My new favorite cockpit - Krait Mk 2

Putting aside all Lacon heavy lifters - I don't trade for years now, don't use them any more - since I got Quest 3, the Asp became my main ship due to fantastic visibility all around.

But yesterday I purchased my first Krait Mk 2 and fell in love. VR truly shines it that one, great visibility, looks menacing with those two weapon pylons and they don't obstruct the view field much. All else is there, you see up and below and good left 'n right all the way back - served me well in a burning outpost fighting the Scouts.

Great ship for VR!
Best VR cockpit view in Elite? T9 imho. But yes, both Kraits have a good view for VR. So does the iEagle, Asp's and DBX. All 3 of the Alliance ships and the smaller Fed ships are also pretty good in VR. Probably others I'm missing/not tried.

Enjoy the view from your Krait :D
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