My windows 10 ED Launcher installation guide

OK so I just spent about 6 hours installing ED on windows 10, previously I have given up and used the Steam launcher, but this time I have persisted and tried to solve the various issues I noticed each time.

I thought it worth sharing my experiences here in case it can assist someone out there, as there are various clues to be garnered from around the forums and the net in general, but I could not find a full solution in a single location.

So these are my tips (from bitter experience) I hope it helps:
1) Disable all antivirus. In my case this was windows defender, I disabled real-time protection under virus and threat protection settings.

2) Download the ED launcher and start an install.

3) Should Elite dangerous launcher fail with validation errors partway through the install (this error usually occurs near the start of the install). Keep the error screen open. Find the file in the install folder that the error is for and delete it.
Then in windows search panel type internet options.
In internet options choose to delete Temporary Internet files and website files and Cookies and website data

Now restart the installer, and it should carry on from where it got stuck.
It may stop again later - and in which case just repeat this process.

4) If the download rate gets stuck at a certain rate for a minute or more, then the download is hanging. You can see it is hanging at the os level as the number of files fluctuates at a fixed level repetitively. So press the blue cancellation 'X' icon, and then type internet options in windows 10 search window and proceed again to delete temporary internet
files, website files and cookies. Apply theses changes, you could also check there are no .part or .progress files, and if so delete these. Then back to the launcher and chose validate files.
On validating, the launcher first resyncs the files, and then eventually resumes the upload, again keep an eye out for it hanging, and if so repeat. Typically I have to repeat 15 times this step for a complete succesful download.
and it can take 6 hours on a 100MB/10 connection. Steam is more reliable than the launcher, but it does not support the profiler etc.
I do not recall ever experiencing this kind of installation difficulty with any other game, and I have been gaming/using computers since 1979!

5) when complete do not forget to switch on the antivirus again.

I hope that this information is of use to others with similar difficulties.
I play the game for years and have Windows 10 even longer. I have never had any problems with the game instalation or update, really don't know what is the problem. You mentioned Windows Defender, download hangs and what not... I'm afraid the state of the OS is to blame, not the game installer. People use cracked OS versions, questionable drivers and who knows what else. Maybe your tips will help someone and that is great, thanks fot the effort. But to me, sorry to say, all this sonds rubbish. If you have problems like the ones you described, here's a pro tip: reinstall your OS and update all drivers. The only thing that is out of your hands is the download speed which depends on FD servers.
Win 10 Pro and never had any issues installing or updating ED, even moving it from an HDD to and SSD, again no issues

So, not sure what the issue is, but as other have said, its either a users machines and OS (Legal?) that are to blame, not difficulties in installing ED

Never had any issue installing games or apps on W10 [???]
There is/was? and issue with certain broadband providers in Australia caching files (to speed up access, which works for normal websites) but caused big problems for people installing and updating ED.
Four accounts installed, three Frontier direct and one Steam. All of the Frontier direct launcher installs are in separate directories sharing the same bindings and data files in a common folder.

No issues.

* - Full disclosure, that's a W10 VM running via UnRAID on Threadripper / TitanXP.
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