Never going to play open again.

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It is all there. "In every game there are good players, moderate players and bad players. Everyone has their place in the galaxy."
It was the reason Mobius group exists.

To allow some of the good player (those that think the fun of all is important) to play without the bad players (that think their own fun is most important)
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Ok Ok. Yaffle.
Sandman: No - an unarmed mission asp, my T9... anything. People are not aggressive in open. Community goals are. Play in open, nothing happens. Go to community goal the risk of getting killed is substantially higher. Still when you know what to do in danger you are ungankable.
Once more:
See something fishy? Low wake or emergency drop... Fly away from your drop point as fast as possible. Then hi wake to another system.
If interdicted - SUBMIT- [makes your fsd recharge instantly] After submission, chaff, and point yourself towards the enemy and fly PAST him so he needs to turn. Then target an exit system and high wake. No dying.
Running in a straight line - death. No pips to shields, death.
Sometime it's better to spool up fsd while circling your enemy, then only hi wake in the end.
And finally if sth happens - silent run and hi wake. [ you will cook but not die]
That's it. All the secrets of 99% survival.

Good advice from what some would consider a griefer :)

Mobius not the answer

Solo not the answer

Join a group that has a mind set like you - PVP, truckers, fed, empire or a laid back cool group like my own.

The game comes alive in open when you play in a group.

I dont mind ppl playing solo as long as they keep buying the updates but when you are ready to try open then your welcome to come fly with Delta Squadron.
Open is full of nice people that never fight. I try and start a fight and nothing. Provoke... nothing. Stop fear mongering, click open and see.

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So you never played open yes? If you did you would not tell people lies

Actually I have. I have griefed and been griefed. I discovered how good the FDL is in PvP in open because a PK-geared FDL with rails and a build so fast that he could always escape even when I winged up with a friend to stop the griefing.

My version of greifing though was to go with my wingmate in eagles and interdict people in the starting systems and demand shrubberies. If they said Ni they escaped. If not, we took their hull down to 20%, and called it good.

We would interdict larger ships, and sometimes we'd get killed.

Other ppl just blow you away from the safety of their much better ship.

Try to think about the possibility that your experience isn't the only one out there in this big world of ours.

Why do you think we have pad loitering warnings? Why do you think there is a fine for crashing into another ship? All rules spawned by griefing.

You can play in open and not see someone hostile for a long time, but when it happens, you realize there really is no point to playing in open unless you just want to PVP.
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The first time I got killed by another player was when wi was just starting and was kill stealing in RES. I had been inadvertently KSing from a player in a Vulture and he didn't take kindly to it. Last time I encountered a player he was in a Cobra and didn't shoot me. Might have something to do with me being in a fully upgraded battleconda though :D
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