New Community Manager - Bruce Garrido

Bruce G

Greetings Commanders!

I’m Bruce and I’ve joined the Elite Dangerous team as a Community Manager. Previously, I was a CM for Old School RuneScape (a medieval point-and-click MMO), and I’m excited to meet and interact with a whole new community. If you’d like, join this Thursday’s livestream to come and say hello!

I play all sorts of games in my free time with story-rich RPGs being my favourite. I usually have one of those on the go plus something more casual to even things out. I can’t wait to immerse myself in Elite Dangerous, and start exploring the galaxy. SRV racing looks amazing.

I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you over the coming weeks and I’ll happily respond to and questions here or on Twitter and Discord (Gambit#7472).

CMDR Bruce (Gambit)
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Greetings Commanders!

I’m Bruce and I’ve joined the Elite Dangerous team as a Community Manager. Previously, I was a CM for Old School RuneScape (a medieval point-and-click MMO), and I’m excited to meet and interact with a whole new community. If you’d like, join this Thursday’s livestream to come and say hello!

I play all sorts of games in my free time with story-rich RPGs being my favourite. I usually have one of those on the go plus something more casual to even things out. I can’t wait to immerse myself in Elite Dangerous, and start exploring the galaxy. SRV racing looks amazing.

I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you over the coming weeks and I’ll happily respond to and questions here or on Twitter and Discord (Gambit#7472).

CMDR Bruce (Gambit)
Welcome Bruce.

You just became a member of the most awesome community.. good luck, and enjoy.
I'm sorry Bruce, but I feel we need a CM who has played ED for years who understands the whole community. Nonetheless, if you muck-in and play every day for at least 10 hours a day whilst engaging with many many PMFs' via Discord as possible, then I believe the community will accept you, trust you, and accept you as an advocate.. Welcome to the fantastic Elite: Dangerous!

Will Flanagan

I'm sorry Bruce, but I feel we need a CM who has played ED for years who understands the whole community. Nonetheless, if you muck-in and play every day for at least 10 hours a day whilst engaging with many many PMFs' via Discord as possible, then I believe the community will accept you, trust you, and accept you as an advocate.. Welcome to the fantastic Elite: Dangerous!

Hello Night Parrot,

Bruce comes with a wealth of experience that the Elite Dangerous, and our Frontier, community are really going to benefit from! I wouldn't write that off from the get go. ;)

Bruce G

I'm sorry Bruce, but I feel we need a CM who has played ED for years who understands the whole community. Nonetheless, if you muck-in and play every day for at least 10 hours a day whilst engaging with many many PMFs' via Discord as possible, then I believe the community will accept you, trust you, and accept you as an advocate.. Welcome to the fantastic Elite: Dangerous!
No worries - I totally understand, even if I aim to prove you wrong! I can't commit to 10 hours a day, but I'll be playing in my free time and engaging on Discord plus everything else I can do to win you over.
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