NEW 'Extraction Kit' in store now!

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Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
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The galaxy issues a higher call: "Save our people!"
If you have been a fan of the infamous 'Hazard Kit' in the past for all of your industrial, deep core needs, we're bursting through the ominous fog today to introduce a new way to gear up and heed the call of captives, with the latest 'Extraction Kit' available now in the Elite Dangerous gamestore.

These new kits include:
  • 6 Extraction Paint Jobs.​
  • 3-4 Kit Parts with new 'Orange Sodium' lights.​
More details:
  • The new 'Extraction Kits' cost a total of 13,520 ARX.
  • Available for the Anaconda, Asp Explorer, Cobra Mk III, Krait Mk II, Python, Type-6 and Type-9.
Take care of yourselves out there, Commanders.
And each other...(That was Jerry Springer once, wasn't it? May his soul rest in the stars...)

PLEASE NOTE: The additional features of this kit do not in any way provide additional bonuses or gameplay enhancing properties to your ships when equipped. The kit is purely a cosmetic enhancement.
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