New red-orange dot approaching the bubble at 0.8ly per minute-- Thargoid mothership?

Two images, 10min apart, moviment is quite visible.
EliteDangerous64 2022-08-31 09-41-29.jpg

EliteDangerous64 2022-08-31 09-51-22.jpg
Weird thing in logs when dropping in the anomaly from supercruise:
{ "timestamp":"2022-08-31T12:44:57Z", "event":"SupercruiseExit", "Taxi":false, "Multicrew":false, "StarSystem":"Oochorrs UF-J c11-0", "SystemAddress":84993085794, "Body":"", "BodyID":17, "BodyType":"HyperbolicOrbiter" }

The BodyType is absolutly new: "BodyType":"HyperbolicOrbiter"
What anomaly?
Until now, we saw some classes of bodies called "BodyType" in logs.
We had:
Star, Planet, Belt, Rings, Barycenter, SmallBody (comets) but HyperbolicOrbiter was never seen before.
It's a new one.
And a hyperbola is one of the possible paths for an interstellar object that's moving too fast to be captured into a stellar orbit.
Until now, we saw some classes of bodies called "BodyType" in logs.
We had:
Star, Planet, Belt, Rings, Barycenter, SmallBody (comets) but HyperbolicOrbiter was never seen before.
It's a new one.
I meant, what anomaly in the game? You "dropped into an anomaly" from supercruise but there's nothing like that there.
"Have you listened to it" :D

Seriously, I'm waiting for the next wave of too-detailed audio analysis with that FSS audio!
Just did that. At 3x normal playback speed I hear something growling, a whip cracking followed immediately by a lot of groans and moaning and some gruff-sounding taskmaster shouting "Put yur backs into it, you lazy sods! The Queen demands we be there by the drop of Update 14 or it'll be your hides on her bed!!"
I meant, what anomaly in the game? You "dropped into an anomaly" from supercruise but there's nothing like that there.
I call the anomaly the spiral-thing.
Nothing to see when you drop off from supercuise, just as comets. You see the name in logs but nothing to see when you are in the instance with your ship. Fdev never implemented them physically afaik.
I call the anomaly the spiral-thing.
Nothing to see when you drop off from supercuise, just as comets. You see the name in logs but nothing to see when you are in the instance with your ship. Fdev never implemented them physically afaik.
What are you dropping out of supercruise at though? As far as I can tell there's no POIs.
What are you dropping out of supercruise at though? As far as I can tell there's no POIs.
There's a hidden signal in Oochorrs UF-J c11-0. You can find it by going to that system, searching for Oochorrs UF-J c11-2228224 in the galmap, then targetting the result. It's about 21kls from the arrival star and moves quickly enough that it's hard to drop out at (without supercruise assist anyway.)

Funnilly enough it's aligned perfectly with the anomaly (until you get close, then it starts drifting a bit)
There's a hidden signal in Oochorrs UF-J c11-0. You can find it by going to that system, searching for Oochorrs UF-J c11-2228224 in the galmap, then targetting the result. It's about 21kls from the arrival star and moves quickly enough that it's hard to drop out at (without supercruise assist anyway.)
Oh, right, that junk. Thanks.
I meant, what anomaly in the game? You "dropped into an anomaly" from supercruise but there's nothing like that there.
It's a hidden POI that is probably not supposed to be accessible in-game. A quirk in the Galmap search bar allows targetting bodies by their object number.
Most likely, it's just a technical thing and you're looking behind the panels of the holo-deck.
I call the anomaly the spiral-thing.
Nothing to see when you drop off from supercuise, just as comets. You see the name in logs but nothing to see when you are in the instance with your ship. Fdev never implemented them physically afaik.
Could be the speed issue, while you drop it already changes its position ;)
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