Newcomer / Intro Newbie question - what just happened to me?

Sometimes happened in beta and gamma, esp. when lots of others in vicinity

1st thing to try is rotate 180degrees and face the "wrong" way towards the blast shields and see if the docking radar comes on

if not then exit to a safe position and cancel dock request and try again

you've got 10 mins so no hurry, just exit back outside before cancelling the request

its happened to me on outposts as well as inside stations

there was also an issue with hangar not responding after you landed and just being sat there with no response, but that appeared to have gone in most recent versions.

my advice would also be that once you land on the pad, select "enter hangar" first, then "starport services" so that it's already done some of the tunaround animation before you need to launch. If your want to browse the outfitters then this sequence is required anyway.

always worth browsing the outfitters and doing some window shopping before deciding on upgrades!

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That's okay, we were all new once...
I saw that some people forget to drop (or lower) their landing gear before landing, that is why the target radar may not show up.
- OldSchoolPlayer
I think you now get an audio warning announcement if landing gear is not deployed as you approach the pad
You are most likely facing the wrong way. Spin 180 degrees.

see below

It happened again, it's definitely nothing to do with the way I'm facing. I was facing the buildings in Serebrov, as I have been at every station I've visited so far, but when it happened again in Dalton, just for good measure I tried facing every way. I should point out (someone said earlier 'If the ship in the scanner isn't facing forward when you try to land it won't let you. ') that I'm not actually even getting the landing scanner, the ship just doesn't recognise the pad as a place it can land.

This time I left the station, cancelled the request, requested again (was given the same pad number) went back in and successfully landed. Not sure that I did anything differently the second time, maybe left it till I was a bit closer before deploying my landing gear but that is all. Also the hologram was flicking off and on, it seemed to go off whenever I deployed the landing gear.

For what it's worth, both these incidents were in Orbis stations. Also both times, system security were attacking someone as I was entering the station.

I haven't raised a ticket yet, too busy playing, but I will put both incidents on the ticket when I raise it.

I presume I was facing the right direction... I had the docking pad number in front of me.

If it happens again I'll leave the station, cancel the request then go back in.

It happened a third time, this time at Sylvester City, which is an outpost. I was loathe to cancel the docking request given how long it had taken me to get my request accepted, but in the end I had to. I positioned myself over the pad, cancelled the request and then immediately rerequested before anyone else could, was given the same pad and I didn't even have to move I was already positioned correctly, I just docked instantly.

I'm finished playing for now so I'll raise that ticket.
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It has happened to me too today. And once in gamma. It was when the pad had just been vacated. I was given the pad but then it rotated back as I was landing. I could still land but the landing radar did not show up. I had to move around the pad until it locked me in place. Which it will do without the help you just need to hit the center of the pad manually.
Something similar happened to me. While docking on a platform last night, I got permission to land but when I got to the landing pad I got no landing HUD pop up or anything. I danced around and reoriented, checked the other landing pads, still all nothing. Finally, after 4-5 minutes, I cancelled my docking request and requested again and this time it worked perfectly, HUD and all.

Something I should note, while I was approaching the landing area another ship returned to the surface and took off from the same dock I was about to land on. I wonder if that had anything to do with it; as if it caused the landing pad to reset or something?
Had this happen to me as well. Left the station, cancelled docking, requested it again and went back in, everything was fine. I do think there is a bug there.
Yes, that's two bugs.

1. Landing Light indicators sometimes disappear so you have to remember where it was, occasionally they come back.

2. Occasionally when trying to dock and you've done all the correct things you still can't dock. You then have to cancel and start again, but if you're in a station hub get out first then cancel and re-request, boosting out in a hurry often leads to disaster.
there is a current bug (that has been ticketed) and I saw it last night twice that the
hologram does not appear over your landing pad until you are almost down on it.
Keep an eye on your navigation compass (middle left on the dash) this will always
show you where the pad is.

Also I would advise get comfortable with the whole docking process say 5 times
at the same station just to get the feel of the end to end process of arrival, approach,
entry, pad acquisition and landing.


I was taking some cargo to Serberov Station, I requested docking permission, it was granted and I was asked to proceed to docking pad 21. I entered the station and saw pad 21 lit up, my compass was also directing me to 21. So I headed over there.

When I got within range of the pad I didn't get the landing radar, I checked this was definitely pad 21, it was. I checked my instructions were still go to pad 21, they were. I check I had hardpoints stowed and landing gear down. I did, but I just couldn't land. I could even place my ship down on the pad and still it wouldn't allow me to land. I decided to cancel my docking request in order to reapply, but when I reapplied my docking request was denied and I was given 10 seconds (or whatever it is) to get out of there. I set off for the exit as fast as I could but was shot down by the station's lasers just before I could escape out of the little slit.

So what did I do wrong?

never cancel your request within a station. you need to leave and then reaquet.

sounds like a network issue, server seems not to recognise your landing attempt or something.
I was taking some cargo to Serberov Station, I requested docking permission, it was granted and I was asked to proceed to docking pad 21. I entered the station and saw pad 21 lit up, my compass was also directing me to 21. So I headed over there.

When I got within range of the pad I didn't get the landing radar, I checked this was definitely pad 21, it was. I checked my instructions were still go to pad 21, they were. I check I had hardpoints stowed and landing gear down. I did, but I just couldn't land. I could even place my ship down on the pad and still it wouldn't allow me to land. I decided to cancel my docking request in order to reapply, but when I reapplied my docking request was denied and I was given 10 seconds (or whatever it is) to get out of there. I set off for the exit as fast as I could but was shot down by the station's lasers just before I could escape out of the little slit.

So what did I do wrong?

That happened to me in Gamma. It's a bug. Ticket it.
What you did wrong was cancelling your docking request while INSIDE the station, thus revoking your right to exist (inside the station;))
It's not the same as the reverse-facing pad bug. The landing holo is still there, you just need to turn your ship around to land.
I've raised a ticket now.

I would appreciate it if people stopped posting that I was facing the wrong way now, I've tested that, due diligence has been done to check that the game is indeed not behaving in the way it should, other people have reported the same issue. I keep getting updates on this thread, checking back only to find a new bunch of people telling me to turn around.

Thank you :)
For me docking is really easy. Just get in front of station, throttle down... and the docking computer does the rest. Yes, i am a lazy bum. Will prolly never do any smuggling that way :).
I've occasionally seen more or less the exact issue the OP describes. Get permission, see landing lights, approach correct pad. Then above the pad, no docking interface replacing radar.
I'm not a noob, I've been playing since Premium Beta, this is a glitch for sure. Usually I just cancel and re-request docking, works the second time.

Gotta say, not something that happens all that often, maybe one time in ten at most for me. Not sure I've even seen it at all in 1.0, definitely seen a few times in various gamma versions.

Ticketing it is probably the best thing, yeah.
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