LostWinds Newbie stuck I shrine of gale

I just downloaded lostwinds 1 on my iPad 2. Cute game but I'm stuck almost immediately. I think I'm in the shrine of gale, the first place where you get the gust power and the goal is stated as having to find a way out of the cave. I can't find any way out other than the way I came in, is that right? I tried flying out the top of the cave because there's a pretty hole in the ceiling but I can't seem to fly that high.

Also in another thread someone mentioned a map. I can't find any map. Is that awarded later in the game, or only in the wii version?
Hi Joeschmoe, you need to go back the way you came in. In regards to the map, it's been a little while since I've played LostWinds but I believe there is a button in the top-left to open up the map menu.
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