Nick confirms? future DLC.

[–]protissniper0 1 point2 points3 points an hour ago
Are there plans for future DLC in addition to FK with extra carnivores?

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[–]Nodgers 3 points4 points5 points 56 minutes ago

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[–]Sierra419 [score hidden] 19 minutes ago
you don't work for Frontier...

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he misread the question, the only future DLC they've planned is fallen kingdom according to the AMA

To add onto this, Frontier plans to use player feedback in regards to DLC after Fallen Kingdom. So topics like the wishlist are where they're going to be looking for future dinosaurs/things to include.
FD already said that for future DLC's or updates they would look towards player feedback. This was mentioned during interviews when Gamingbeaver and other youtubers asked questions about potential aquatic/flying DLC to the devs. But that is for the future. Currently the only DLC announced is Fallen Kingdom.
Yes but I think most important point to make is that they have not commited themselves to making any DLC other than the announced fallen kingdom, it would be nice if they do but it's not guaranteed.
Yes but I think most important point to make is that they have not commited themselves to making any DLC other than the announced fallen kingdom, it would be nice if they do but it's not guaranteed.

Correct because they have their hands full with 1: the release and 2: the support of said release (bug fixing etc).
To add onto this, Frontier plans to use player feedback in regards to DLC after Fallen Kingdom. So topics like the wishlist are where they're going to be looking for future dinosaurs/things to include.

Which is a good thing to do. One of the reasons I love frontier
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