No commodities for sale? am I going mad?

Anyone else found a problem with commodities markets this morning? when I view the market there are no items for sale. I can sell stuff fine still. it was fine earlier today as happily buying but now, nothing for sale in any station I visit... reset filters, relogged, rebooted (hard) but still same... is it just me?
Depends on which station/outpost you are using. Some of the smaller/more remote markets do run out occasionally...

Just a thought - do you have your sensors powered? - you can't request docking without powered sensors.
Second thought - what's your status? if you picked up a fine, you may have "anonymous access" only - i.e. fuel or contact authorities only!
Sorry, prob should have been a bit more descriptive - this is what I am seeing... my filters are all selected (I have tried both ways)... If I switch to see I can see all items as usual... I am assuming something is borked in my account? everything else appears to work ok in station...
wow - I saw in inara that it had the microcontrollers I wanted 1 hr before... seems a bit weird they can be empty!! I tried a few near by stations as well with same. Just hopped over to bernoulli and we do indeed have stock... well at least I know it can be a real thing and to check the databases first next time....

Thanks all!
These stations near Wang Hub should have some Micro Controllers, The higher the supply the better the chance of the commodity still being in stock.
As sites like Inra and EDDB can have a delay in reporting.
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