No more patch updates before Fleet Carriers?

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Jokes aside, I really don't expect any more than the Bounty Hunter support ship simply being a contact to hand in bounties, or the Miner version providing a commodity market, etc.

TLDR: These are just indications for what station services are available.

On the other hand, that would be very weird. Why would there be a commodity market on your personal fleet carrier? It's not a mobile shopping mall... Same for bounties or bonds... Those things wold seem very out of place in a personal fleet carrier.
On the other hand, that would be very weird. Why would there be a commodity market on your personal fleet carrier? It's not a mobile shopping mall... Same for bounties or bonds... Those things wold seem very out of place in a personal fleet carrier.
It would make it interesting if you could 'sell' your commodities to the FC ... and they then become available to other players who have permission to use it. But that would be a change in game philosophy for FD so 🤷‍♂️


Volunteer Moderator
Ok, I think this thread has run its course. I got my answer, we got some additional info from FDEV... nothing else is gonna happen here and it's now completely derailed thanks to the usuall suspects, so... @mods please can you close it please? Thanks.

Will Flanagan

Hello Commanders,

Just wanted to jump in this here locked thread and clarify Stephen's earlier post. Essentially, the plan has not changed for how we're treating future GalNet articles, which (as we stated here) will be tied to in-game activity, significant narrative developments, new ships and modules and so forth. It is the 'off-camera' narratives, that we have previously published via GalNet, which we currently have no plans to return.

The framework for Community Goals exist and while the regular cadence of Community Goals is not planned to see a return, we will still see some Community Goals in the future.

Apologies for any confusion that was caused!
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