No plans for New Ships

So I was watching the interview with Arthur Tolmie and The Pilot on youtube from March 25, 2021, and he was asked if we get new ships soon.
The clear answer was no, there are no plans for the new ships.

Well, thank you, another nail in the coffin for me. EDO will be pure on-foot combat focus.

I just read Some of the GlassDoor reviews of frontier. Seems they’re not in a good place at the moment if they can be believed.

hence their apparent immobilization and lack of progress these last few years.
Which causes them to be in an even worse place, which causes more immobilisation and lack of progress, which causes....

You get the idea. If they actually hope to survive, they need to take risks and develop new content.
I don't know, people are speculating about new ships, Panther Clipper, etc. despite the clear answer from Arthur that there are no plans for new ships.
When you tell a child that there are no cookies in the jar, they will inevitably believe that you are holding out on them and that there are in fact ...

So I was watching the interview with Arthur Tolmie and The Pilot on youtube from March 25, 2021, and he was asked if we get new ships soon.
The clear answer was no, there are no plans for the new ships.

Well, thank you, another nail in the coffin for me. EDO will be pure on-foot combat focus.

There are no plans for new anything. Elite Dangerous is what it will be and nothing more.
Well, i think this was another nail in the coffin of EDO integration with EDH, or of giving to who is not interested in foot combat some other value to buy Odyssey (which for now it's only foot exploration, despite it's poorly implemented. For who is not interested even in that, there's no reason to by Odyssey, it's game loops won't help in any way with the EDH game loops).
That's the reason why i was actually expecting at least a few general additions with the Odyssey expansion, other than on foot gameplay, to entice who is not interested in this totally disconnected on foot gameplay, or in exploration (which is actually the only integrated feature).
Weird marketing strategy.
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Well, to be honest, this is new to me. I haven't heard anything from Frontier regarding "No more spaceships for our spaceship game" before reading this post. 🤷‍♂️ I guess this is what happens when "too much" information is distributed via too many different plattforms and social media channels.

Anyway, it's not that there was a huge chance for FDev holding new ships back until Console release or something. Still, somewhat disappointing news, really.
You haven't heard "No more spaceships for our spaceship game" from frontier either.

I'm currently watching the interview in question with Arthur on my second monitor as we speak. There are, however, three months old comments under the video regarding this alleged "no new ships" statement.
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