"No plans to port Elite Dangerous to PS5"

I wasn't referring to the "community managers".

The "community managers" could resolve this entire thread with a single post confirming whether E: D will work on the new consoles. FDev undoubtedly have both of them in-house.

They are nowhere to be seen.

Well, they won't have final retail hardware, they likely have dev kits, but we don't know for sure if they have dev kits which emulate final hardware. Perhaps that testing has not taken place yet. Again, public statements are always going to be cagey because they don't want to over-promise. This is not new behavior.

Unless they are targeting game releases for day 1 (I have no idea), then their next-gen efforts could well be in early development. Early development for next-gen consoles at this point in the generation generally takes place on PCs for later porting and/or early dev kits which don't closely mimic final hardware.
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Well, they won't have final retail hardware, they likely have dev kits, but we don't know for sure if they have dev kits which emulate final hardware. Perhaps that testing has not taken place yet.

Not this again... Microsoft and Sony don't give out dev kits just so companies won't be able to develop games until the retail hardware is available. If that were the case then no company would be able to produce a day one release. If FDev wanted to produce a PS5 version or if they wanted to make sure the PS4 version was backwardly compatible then they could get everything they need from Sony prior to retail hardware being available to customers.
Not this again... Microsoft and Sony don't give out dev kits just so companies won't be able to develop games until the retail hardware is available. If that were the case then no company would be able to produce a day one release.

What I was pointing out is that a) not all dev kits are created equal (early kits are basically PC`s which cant emulate final hardware) and b) we don't know what the internal availability of those final dev kits is within Frontier (perhaps they are currently allocated full time to other projects which are close to release - taking priority over other activities )

Another possible option is that Sony has already done the compatibility testing on Frontier's behalf, and that information has not made it to those who speak publicly.
There's no guarantee that you`ll get more asteroids in rings; the draw distance limit may be baked into the code

It's not a draw distance limit, but a pure reduction in numbers, not related to distance.
An asteroid at 400m distance might be missing on consoles but present on PC, while one 1200m might be present both on consoles and pc.

I do hope it's a parameter in the engine that could be patched so the new consoles will get the full ring experience (along with a new quality mode maybe closer to the PC experience)
It's not a draw distance limit, but a pure reduction in numbers, not related to distance.
An asteroid at 400m distance might be missing on consoles but present on PC, while one 1200m might be present both on consoles and pc.

I do hope it's a parameter in the engine that could be patched so the new consoles will get the full ring experience

Whatever the limitation, I'm suggesting its highly likely to be a dev change, hence the OP won't get more asteroids onscreen just because he's upgraded his console.
What I was pointing out is that a) not all dev kits are created equal (early kits are basically PC`s which cant emulate final hardware) and b) we don't know what the internal availability of those final dev kits is within Frontier (perhaps they are currently allocated full time to other projects which are close to release - taking priority over other activities )

Another possible option is that Sony has already done the compatibility testing on Frontier's behalf, and that information has not made it to those who speak publicly.

Sorry, but you're reaching.

Let's go with what we know.

1) FDev have both consoles in-house. Microsoft and Sony will have sent them whether asked for or not, based on prior publishing.
2) The developers have stated they have "no plans" to do anything with the new consoles for E: D.
3) FDev could tell us in an instant if there are any issues running current E: D (never mind EDO) on the new consoles.
4) FDev are not saying anything.

For me, given the importance of the hardware for the next 5+ years in their core industry market, the fact that there are "no plans" with E: D tells its own story. You can't assume that they wouldn't ignore it because doing so would be stupid - you're right - but the world is full of extremely stupid people, many of whom are in positions of authority. Most people you meet are of below average intelligence.

So, in summary, expect nothing and you won't be disappointed.
Sorry, but you're reaching.

Let's go with what we know.

1) FDev have both consoles in-house. Microsoft and Sony will have sent them whether asked for or not, based on prior publishing.
2) The developers have stated they have "no plans" to do anything with the new consoles for E: D.
3) FDev could tell us in an instant if there are any issues running current E: D (never mind EDO) on the new consoles.
4) FDev are not saying anything.

For me, given the importance of the hardware for the next 5+ years in their core industry market, the fact that there are "no plans" with E: D tells its own story. You can't assume that they wouldn't ignore it because doing so would be stupid - you're right - but the world is full of extremely stupid people, many of whom are in positions of authority. Most people you meet are of below average intelligence.

So, in summary, expect nothing and you won't be disappointed.

You come up with the above assumptions, dress them up as "what we know" and I`m reaching?

My speculation is simply that. Speculation. Possibilities. Your speculation is dressed up as fact, but you have no way to confirm your guesswork.
You come up with the above assumptions, dress them up as "what we know" and I`m reaching?

My speculation is simply that. Speculation. Possibilities. Your speculation is dressed up as fact, but you have no way to confirm your guesswork.

OK so what is factually wrong about my post?

The only "assumption" I made is that FDev have the new consoles. Every games development house has had them for months, possibly even longer. This is hardly a reach or even speculation. It's practically a given.

The rest is what FDev themselves have told us. Or not told us, as the case may be. Silence often speaks louder.
Also, if you think Frontier have time to d*** around with this, it's worth remembering that the pre-orders for both consoles are going to go live very soon. Possibly in the next couple of weeks.

Hundreds of thousands of people are going to be pulling the trigger on whichever side they pick very shortly - so knowing whether E: D is going to work on their new console is rather critical, wouldn't you say?

They just need to tell us.
How on earth can I tell you whats "factually wrong" with your post when neither of us have the ability to verify your claims.

The only verification needed is the information we have already been given. Which is all I've stated.

FDev were directly asked the question on the new consoles - and their response was they have "no plans" to do anything with them for E: D.

If that information is wrong, they need to correct that mis-information.
Also, if you think Frontier have time to d*** around with this, it's worth remembering that the pre-orders for both consoles are going to go live very soon. Possibly in the next couple of weeks.

Hundreds of thousands of people are going to be pulling the trigger on whichever side they pick very shortly - so knowing whether E: D is going to work on their new console is rather critical, wouldn't you say?

They just need to tell us.

How many other publishers do you think will be publicly guaranteeing their games work on day one?
How many other publishers do you think will be publicly guaranteeing their games work on day one?

How many other publishers do you think will be publicly stating they don't plan to do anything with the new consoles for their existing flagship titles?

We can go round and round like this all day. "No plans" means exactly that. So if it fails on day one, don't expect a patch, because they have "no plans" to work on it. Developers don't make the decisions on what they work on.

But saying that - a number of software houses are or have made statements about this when asked. R* for instance have said that not only will GTA V work on day one, but that they'll release a PS5 enhanced version next year. If normally mute Rockstar can say that, why not Frontier?
I think it would be outright stupid. Without being too harsh it would be incredibly stupid of them. I personally would never buy an fdev title again and would become one of those who no longer play but actively waste my free time telling others about how shady fdev is. Something I currently look down on lol
Yeah Mick, it's called Corparate disloyalty, I do the same thing with 'Nestle' product for a atrocious third world decision they made... amoung others.
So yeah, I fully understand
We can go round and round like this all day. "No plans" means exactly that. So if it fails on day one, don't expect a patch, because they have "no plans" to work on it. Developers don't make the decisions on what they work on.

You are clarly making inferences into that statement which are most likely not true - that statement was clearly answering whether there would be a next-gen version of the game. Thats got nothing to do with a patch to allow the existing game to run.

Nobody in Frontier has shut the door on a next-gen backwards compatibility patch, regardless of what you think. And we don't even know if one would be necessary.
Whatever the limitation, I'm suggesting its highly likely to be a dev change, hence the OP won't get more asteroids onscreen just because he's upgraded his console.

Definitely not, but i do hope for an ED patch happening somewhere after the launch of the new consoles that will enable a better quality mode.
It did happened for XB1X

Not a full rewrite but a patch.
Definitely not, but i do hope for an ED patch happening somewhere after the launch of the new consoles that will enable a better quality mode.
It did happened for XB1X

Not a full rewrite but a patch.

Given Frontier's previous form I agree there's a chance we might get some love here - perhaps an "ultra" mode to put settings on par with a high-end PC.
You are clarly making inferences into that statement which are most likely not true - that statement was clearly answering whether there would be a next-gen version of the game. Thats got nothing to do with a patch to allow the existing game to run.

Nobody in Frontier has shut the door on a next-gen backwards compatibility patch, regardless of what you think. And we don't even know if one would be necessary.

Let's wait and see shall we? I've been around FDev long enough to know that they are not on their existing customer's side unless they explicitly say so.

So far, they haven't, and instead have inferred the opposite. 🤷‍♀️

Like I said, expect nothing. Then you may be pleasantly surprised. Or if not, you won't be disappointed.
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