I wasn't referring to the "community managers".
The "community managers" could resolve this entire thread with a single post confirming whether E: D will work on the new consoles. FDev undoubtedly have both of them in-house.
They are nowhere to be seen.
Well, they won't have final retail hardware, they likely have dev kits, but we don't know for sure if they have dev kits which emulate final hardware. Perhaps that testing has not taken place yet. Again, public statements are always going to be cagey because they don't want to over-promise. This is not new behavior.
Unless they are targeting game releases for day 1 (I have no idea), then their next-gen efforts could well be in early development. Early development for next-gen consoles at this point in the generation generally takes place on PCs for later porting and/or early dev kits which don't closely mimic final hardware.
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