Non-standard playstyles/Intentional events

So we can assume we all want to build our Parks. But beyond the normal play, there a few things I just want to try, even if we have no sandbox right out of the gate. Which ones do you want to try? Any other irregular ideas?

1) OOPS...
So once a park is up and happening, I look forward to causing a disaster or two myself. Having a big power failure just to see some dinosaurs rampage about the park for a bit sounds like fun. Test my own defenses, as it were. We do get a Save Game, right?

Going down the Entertainment road lets us get a bit more creative with the genomes. So naturally we need a small ring in the middle of the park where we "test" the hybrids. Expensive, and certainly not PETA approved.

Rather than fencing in the creatures, use the fences to make small humans-only areas and let the island be as natural as possible. Humans stay in their pens, and let the creatures roam freely.
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