Norma Mission: 16.5km Glacier Point Jump

Glacier Point Cliff Jump
Cmdr Parabolus

Glacier Point
GalMap Ref: Slege WJ-R C20-0 1C
Surface Coordinates: 3.9530 // 18.843


Located on the Perseus Arm at the southeastern edge of Via Maris rests Glacier Point, a 16km cliff face at the intersection of four glacial fissures, each with a 10km high cliff face. The fissuers collide at Glacier Point with a mountain ridge that runs parallel to the secondary canyon, leaving a steep cliff edge jolting upward from the moon’s surface. The mountain ridges are formed by fault lines scattered across the glacier’s surface, causing eruptions of slicate vapour geysers. The exposed glacier walls in the fissures, have slowly collected dust and dirt toward the bottom, giving the canyon floor a deep blue and green color. Make no mistake, stemming from the fault lines and collected material, the fissure’s floor is a mostly rugged and sharp surface hardly suitable for surfacer reconnaissince. What results, however, is one of the most dramactic views in the galaxy. Moreover, there appears to be low levels of glactic dust or fog at the bottom of the canyon floors, which reflect light off of the glacier’s edges - further leading the etheral atmosphere of Glacier Point.

Upon discovery of Glacier’s Point, Cmdr Parabolus attempted a dramatic SRV jump of off the cliff face. Reaching a max speed of 135m/second in his SRV (486km/hour), Parabolus daringly flew through the air more than 10,000ly from Sol. You may find a video of this cliff jump here:


Glacier Point Additional Images:


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This one is relatively close to the DECE path... kind of... on the other side of the rift.... that being said. The Norma Mission will soon be reaching the Outer/Norma Arm, along a similar path as DECE for about 15,000ly... Our goal is to find spectacular planetary locations like this (we have found a few great ones so far).... if we find any near the DECE route, I will be sure to share!

-Cmdr Parabolus
me neither! Thankfully I did a premium SRV repair before launching (not in video)... It was terrifying because I only have 2 SRV for this trip. Also, on another note. I contacted Corban today about our mission to find POI for GMP. We will submit all our findings to galactic mapping project once we are finished in December... got lots of planetary features... and hoping to fill a literal void in POI in regions like Via Maris, Angustia, and the Persues Crags
Wow! What an awesome drop and topography! I will definitively visit this place when returned back from Beagle Point.
Haven't done a proper basejump since we had the "Monolith" in the Altais system :)
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Wow! What an awesome drop and topography! I will definitively visit this place when returned back from Beagle Point.
Haven't done a proper basejump since we had the "Monolith" in the Altais system :)

Wow! That monolith is quite incredible, and the way you shot the footage was breathtaking... makes me want to spend a little more time on the videos I make like the Shepard Chronicles....

I am so excited to revisit Glacier Point after the graphics update in Q1 and Q4... I think it will make a perfect backdrop that matches what they are going for with their concept art!


mtt9999; Yes, it was an awesome place, but I think it was a bug that has been removed. At least I couldn't find it the last time I was there.
PS: I will not take credit for the great Monolith video, but it sure is a nice one! :) The cred goes to CMDR Hoppryngil.
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I know this is thread necro-ing. But I FOUND it. It's still there. And it's still awesome!

Have some current screenshots for proof!








I'm debating whether to try an SRV jump myself. But I've only got the SINGLE SRV on this trip...
I might play it "safe" and canyon boom with the fighter instead. :D
I do hope you are wrong. I'm headed onward toward the Rim soon. But I'll make a point of returning to this spot on the way home after Odyssey drops to check and see.
Is it still there?

Ah, that was 3 years ago, I doubt it's there now, would need another visit to check, however I don't know if he is still playing since his last forum post was 2 years ago. it's probably certainly gone now in Odyssey/Horizons 4.0 but will still be there in Legacy I imagine since they didn't get the planetary tech upgrade.
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