NPC Freight Ship Traffic

Good afternoon, dear players. I recently encountered a problem. I am trying to deal with the economic system and cannot find the answer. What does the number of cargo (transport) ships and their contents (goods) for NPC in systems depend on? How does the state of the system and its economy, the political system, influence the traffic of ships and goods in their hold?

Experiments on raising (emptying the market), introducing different states (growth, hunger, epidemic ...) did not give a visible change in the number of transport ships arriving in the system (T6, T9). If there are links or information please share.

Hope for help, thanks!
I don't think the effect of BGS on either the frequency of general NPC trade ships or the content of their holds has been studied very much at all. It sounds like an interesting project - let us know how you get on!

There's obviously the state-specific ships in supercruise - the wedding barges, etc. - but that doesn't seem to be the sort you're interested in.

I suspect that the NPC ships which appear are the same whatever the system - after all, it doesn't restrict them by size in systems which only have medium pads, or by manufacturer based on the superpowers of the factions in the system, and if it doesn't do that it probably doesn't do anything fancier either.

But you might well find something interesting if you hang around with a manifest scanner. I have generic tables of how BGS states affect supply and demand at - those might be interesting to compare with changing hold contents.
CMDR WiggyB who made quite some videos on pirating mentioned at several points that mining ships seem to spawn most regularly in high pop agri systems.

As your tests did not find major changes in the amount of npc trading vessels, this would suggest to me that it is dependent on economy, population size and security level. I'm not sure how you can influence the security level but I'm pretty sure that some powers can effect this.

Also note that population and economy are not statistically independent variables.
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