.... Pet's!

I want this.

How cool would it be to have your favourite (version) (of) pet along with you on those long, long flights into the black..

Come on frontier, enough with the bobbleheads,

"gimmie muh catz plz!"

We both know you can do it, you have a game (that shall remain nameless) out that practically imprisons all sorts of mad, hairy babies in a little garden thingy already, just pop a wee bit of coding my way (our secret) and ill crack on here....
Lets be honest ...
.. you owe it to me, I bought your game, of my own accord and have now been playing it for a few months... And so, I demand that you change everything that I ask you too ...
And no, its not because I'm a self entitled ...
Its because I said...

They don't even allow NPC pilots on the bridge / in the cockpit at the moment, so the chances of having some 'fur baby' anytime soon seems slim. That said I wouldn't mind having an aquarium on board would be nice, even if it was only for jellyfish.
They don't even allow NPC pilots on the bridge / in the cockpit at the moment, so the chances of having some 'fur baby' anytime soon seems slim. That said I wouldn't mind having an aquarium on board would be nice, even if it was only for jellyfish.
Aww !, how sweet would that be!
Never even occurred to me! Aquarium's would be awesome!
Zero g fish lol

(Auto correct/profanity filter, changed F,e,c,k to 'Gently Caress'
I'm keeping it in there)
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If they give you cats/dogs, then I'll be demanding ferrets. I've got one here, suited up and ready to go.
I spent a long time carrying around a Thargoid Sensor before we knew what they were. I took it all the way to Colonia, but got destroyed by a pirate while I was drunk on Centauri Mega Gin (okay it was just some cheap gin irl) and flying it around in a shieldless Sidewinder. I took about a month's shame break and cut back on my drinking. That was kinda like having a pet.
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Depends what the behaviour would be modelled on. My cat is a grumpy little arx who would spend the whole time scratching the chairs (or the crew) or doing the 1000 yard stare through you when you're doing something challenging. Either that or he'd fall asleep in the SLF control chair and bite anyone who'd try to move him.

His only useful skill would be the cast iron guarantee that there would be no live magpies in the cargo hold.
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