Number of suggestions for quality of life, Carrier owners, and Commanders with Alt accounts

My apologies in advance - I suspect I should have provided these suggestions as seperate posts.
(The following suggestions are in no particular order)

Cargo not showing in inventory after purchase
Have to go back into commodity market to trigger the game to display cargo in my ship cargo hold.
I thought this had been fixed in a recent update - but I still have this issue (do others amongst you still have this issue?

Ship outfitting animations
Weapon retract animation when swapping load out in in carrier and station outfitting screen.
Would it be possible to add an option to switch off these animations in outfitting screen.
This would enable players who like these animations to keep them, and players who, like myself, rock with impatience can switch them off.

Carrier jump plotting
Those occasions when setting a fleet carrier jump, but the jump is rejected because the target system is already full.
This is okay, but why does it take me out of the carrier galaxy map and to the carrier management screen?
Can this be updated so that it informs me that my chosen jump cannot be made - but leaves me in the galaxy map where I can locate a target system close to the one already rejected?

Cargo transfer
Could a key modifier option be added so that a commander can speed up the cargo / credits transfer counter?
Hold down a second key to make cargo / credits volume to increase in volumes of 10s or 50s.
If not a modifier key then the perhaps an option to type a quantity in instead?
This could apply to all transfer counters:

  • In stations and carriers, increasing / decreasing cargo purchase volume
  • On carrier - setting commodity sale prices
  • Carrier budget screen - credit deposit and withdrawals from carrier balance
I can 'transfer all' cargo from my ship cargo hold to my carrier cargo hold. But when I want to transfer a certain portion of cargo from ship to carrier - I find the value slider so slow. It's frustrating that a visitor to my carrier can move the cargo purchase amount faster than I, as the carrier owner, can transfer a measured portion of commodities from my ship cargo to carrier cargo.

Carrier services - Ship / Module material trader
It would be nice (as a carrier owner) to have an option to install a Material Trader to my carrier services.
This trader could barter ship engineering materials just as these material traders do on stations.
Also - why are bar staff material traders anyway?!
”Evening, I’d like a drink, packet of peanuts and a couple of electrical circuits please”

Carrier Jump times during CG
Carrier jump times during cg - can this be addressed somehow?
48 minute carrier jump times can be frustrating.

Size 1 module slots
Flight assist modules - why do docking computers have to take up size 2 and 3 slots?
I often wish that ships had more than 1 or 2 size 1 slots (especially the large ships)
With more size 1 slots (at least 3) these small flight assist units (computer software/hardware?) could be accommodated without having to take up anything larger than a size 1 equipment slot.
Can’t all ships have at least x3 size 1 slots for

  • Docking computer
  • Super-cruise assist
  • Surface scanner

Remote camera - flight readout overlay
Could an overlay of cockpit flight readouts be added to remote camera view (hidden and revealed with a key press)
Just enough to show:

  • Compass bearing
  • Altitude
  • Pitch / Roll
Would be nice to see these whilst following my ship in external camera view as I fly 50 to 100 metres above the planet surface

Engineering material and Alt accounts
Selling/Exchanging ship Engineering materials between alt accounts
I know we cannot sell ship and module engineering materials between commanders. But could an option be added for commanders with more than one Alt to sell/exchange ship and module engineering materials between Alt accounts?

"Taxi!" - Taxi's between carriers?
Could there be an option to take taxi to a carrier as well as stations and planet surface stations?

Carrier Hologram - orientation?
Could the carrier hologram be updated so that it shows the orientation of the carrier before dropping from super-cruise?
We can see the orientation of a targeted station in the target hologram - can't this be so with carriers too?

Remote Carrier management
Would love to be able to set carrier jumps or carrier market purchase/sale prices without being in game (say - from mobile phone)
(….I guess I should buy a steam deck)

Elevators - "Going Up?"

Elevators in stations and carriers. First - thank you for not making us aim and press a tiny button on the elevator.
But, since there is only one floor option - up or down - do we need to choose?
Maybe this is a placeholder for future development, more floors on carriers and stations.
But for now, if we enter carrier on ground floor - can it just be assumed that we are heading to the upper floor - and vice versa?

Specialist carrier options
All of the carriers are basically the same, regardless of whether we chose Trade, Exploration etc.
I’m not sure what roles or features could be added, but something to add to each commander’s play style might make carriers more interesting.
Take the following suggestions with a grain of salt - my point is, just adding something unique to carrier - maybe even some reason for a commander to go the the bridge on their carrier.

Trade carrier
Able to carry more cargo, and able to make local station commodity purchases from carrier bridge?
Exploration carrier
Able to jump a little further or plot a series of four jumps and have the carrier follow this plotted route.
Able to make full system scans automatically (without leaving carrier and jumping to super-cruise)

Combat carrier
Able to immediately identify local bounty mission targets within system?

Mining carrier
Presence of a commander’s carrier - close to a planet ring - increases the metal/mineral content of asteroids.

And finally - thank you for providing this opportunity to share ideas and suggestions.
Cargo not showing in inventory after purchase
Agreed, a fix would be nice.
Ship outfitting animations
Would it be possible to add an option to switch off these animations in outfitting screen.
Cargo transfer
Could a key modifier option be added so that a commander can speed up the cargo / credits transfer counter?
+1. The whole station user interface could be sleeker.
Size 1 module slots
Flight assist modules - why do docking computers have to take up size 2 and 3 slots?
I often wish that ships had more than 1 or 2 size 1 slots (especially the large ships)
Not sure. Limitations like this make your decisions more important.
Remote camera - flight readout overlay
Could an overlay of cockpit flight readouts be added to remote camera view (hidden and revealed with a key press)
Engineering material and Alt accounts
Selling/Exchanging ship Engineering materials between alt accounts
I doubt that it would be possible. Right now, I don't think even FDev knows exactly what single individual is behind every CMDR, even if they would take cross-referencing billing information into account.
"Taxi!" - Taxi's between carriers?
Could there be an option to take taxi to a carrier as well as stations and planet surface stations?
Now, don't get too lazy! ;)

As I don't own a carrier, I can't say anything about those suggestions.
Agreed, a fix would be nice.


+1. The whole station user interface could be sleeker.

Not sure. Limitations like this make your decisions more important.


I doubt that it would be possible. Right now, I don't think even FDev knows exactly what single individual is behind every CMDR, even if they would take cross-referencing billing information into account.

Now, don't get too lazy! ;)

As I don't own a carrier, I can't say anything about those suggestions.

Don't get lazy? Ah - way-way to late for that now ;o)
Thank you Lhorndra - I appreciate your feedback.
Some of these are thoughts that I've had for some time - always just thinking, 'wouldn't it be nice if...'
I didn't realise that these suggestions pages were here until last week.
Size 1 module slots
Flight assist modules - why do docking computers have to take up size 2 and 3 slots?
I often wish that ships had more than 1 or 2 size 1 slots (especially the large ships)
With more size 1 slots (at least 3) these small flight assist units (computer software/hardware?) could be accommodated without having to take up anything larger than a size 1 equipment slot.
Can’t all ships have at least x3 size 1 slots for

  • Docking computer
  • Super-cruise assist
  • Surface scanner
About that- they actually did give us more class 1 module slots specifically for these when the supercruise and ADC modules were added to the game. I don't use them myself, so the slots tend to be taken up with HRPs and FSD interdictors and that's probably what I'd do if we had even more, which might not be the best for gameplay balance.

Otherwise though, yeah, there's definitely some things in that list that I'd like to see.
Carrier budget screen - credit deposit and withdrawals from carrier balance
I think you can already type in a number here?
Elevators - "Going Up?"
If you are in a wing and multiple people have ships parked you can already use the menu to go to a wingmate's ship.
And related to this - the signage at the elevators should be changed to say "Elevators" instead of "hangars" - otherwise how are people (NPCs) going to other parts of the stations?
My apologies in advance - I suspect I should have provided these suggestions as seperate posts.
(The following suggestions are in no particular order)

Cargo not showing in inventory after purchase
Have to go back into commodity market to trigger the game to display cargo in my ship cargo hold.
I thought this had been fixed in a recent update - but I still have this issue (do others amongst you still have this issue?

Ship outfitting animations
Weapon retract animation when swapping load out in in carrier and station outfitting screen.
Would it be possible to add an option to switch off these animations in outfitting screen.
This would enable players who like these animations to keep them, and players who, like myself, rock with impatience can switch them off.
Same but could be just a time filler due to load times of new build, like the hyperspace animation.
Carrier jump plotting
Those occasions when setting a fleet carrier jump, but the jump is rejected because the target system is already full.
This is okay, but why does it take me out of the carrier galaxy map and to the carrier management screen?
Can this be updated so that it informs me that my chosen jump cannot be made - but leaves me in the galaxy map where I can locate a target system close to the one already rejected?
I'd put this as #1
Cargo transfer
Could a key modifier option be added so that a commander can speed up the cargo / credits transfer counter?
Hold down a second key to make cargo / credits volume to increase in volumes of 10s or 50s.
If not a modifier key then the perhaps an option to type a quantity in instead?
This could apply to all transfer counters:

  • In stations and carriers, increasing / decreasing cargo purchase volume
  • On carrier - setting commodity sale prices
  • Carrier budget screen - credit deposit and withdrawals from carrier balance
I can 'transfer all' cargo from my ship cargo hold to my carrier cargo hold. But when I want to transfer a certain portion of cargo from ship to carrier - I find the value slider so slow. It's frustrating that a visitor to my carrier can move the cargo purchase amount faster than I, as the carrier owner, can transfer a measured portion of commodities from my ship cargo to carrier cargo.
It's funny you can set them for sale and buy them faster than you can transfer them.
Carrier services - Ship / Module material trader
It would be nice (as a carrier owner) to have an option to install a Material Trader to my carrier services.
This trader could barter ship engineering materials just as these material traders do on stations.
Also - why are bar staff material traders anyway?!
”Evening, I’d like a drink, packet of peanuts and a couple of electrical circuits please”
I thought about this but there are scattered traders and finding/recalling them is part of the game. Putting them on every carrier defeats the purpose of having them on ships. I wouldn't be against having them if they only traded the materials you deposited. I wouldn't want them magically having all materials.

Bar staff are not technically material traders, they are doing deals under the table because they meet a lot of commanders and shady factions, they can move product.
Carrier Jump times during CG
Carrier jump times during cg - can this be addressed somehow?
48 minute carrier jump times can be frustrating.
Seems like a bridge too far but yes, it's different. Then again, waiting 16m is also a bit of a delay. Maybe a carrier should only be able to jump X amount of times in a week. Once you use those up you're there until next week.
Size 1 module slots
Flight assist modules - why do docking computers have to take up size 2 and 3 slots?
I often wish that ships had more than 1 or 2 size 1 slots (especially the large ships)
With more size 1 slots (at least 3) these small flight assist units (computer software/hardware?) could be accommodated without having to take up anything larger than a size 1 equipment slot.
Can’t all ships have at least x3 size 1 slots for

  • Docking computer
  • Super-cruise assist
  • Surface scanner
I believe the slots were given to use for these modules. If this was to go away the slots should go away.
Engineering material and Alt accounts
Selling/Exchanging ship Engineering materials between alt accounts
I know we cannot sell ship and module engineering materials between commanders. But could an option be added for commanders with more than one Alt to sell/exchange ship and module engineering materials between Alt accounts?
We should be able to sell all materials on our carriers to all commanders, except maybe encoded materials. Then again, we can sell data materials we've downloaded so it shouldn't be an issue.
"Taxi!" - Taxi's between carriers?
Could there be an option to take taxi to a carrier as well as stations and planet surface stations?
Probably wouldn't work well with all the jump craziness. My carrier position shows up in the nav panel before my carrier. I imagine that's what Apex would use to find it and it wouldn't be there yet. I think you can take an escape pod from the carrier, but I've never done it and have no idea where I would end up.
Carrier Hologram - orientation?
Could the carrier hologram be updated so that it shows the orientation of the carrier before dropping from super-cruise?
We can see the orientation of a targeted station in the target hologram - can't this be so with carriers too?
I like this idea in theory.
Elevators - "Going Up?"
Elevators in stations and carriers. First - thank you for not making us aim and press a tiny button on the elevator.
But, since there is only one floor option - up or down - do we need to choose?
Maybe this is a placeholder for future development, more floors on carriers and stations.
But for now, if we enter carrier on ground floor - can it just be assumed that we are heading to the upper floor - and vice versa?
I think this is to prevent the elevator doors from constantly opening like the other doors do when you stand near them, which would disable the elevator if anyone else was trying to use it. I'm just glad we don't have to enter a code. I don't quite understand it though, my command post is right near my landing pad, but when I leave the elevator it's at the other end of the ship.

Overall some good suggestions collected in one place.
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I think you can already type in a number here?

If you are in a wing and multiple people have ships parked you can already use the menu to go to a wingmate's ship.
And related to this - the signage at the elevators should be changed to say "Elevators" instead of "hangars" - otherwise how are people (NPCs) going to other parts of the stations?
Through the hangars?
About that- they actually did give us more class 1 module slots specifically for these when the supercruise and ADC modules were added to the game. I don't use them myself, so the slots tend to be taken up with HRPs and FSD interdictors and that's probably what I'd do if we had even more, which might not be the best for gameplay balance.

Otherwise though, yeah, there's definitely some things in that list that I'd like to see.
They added more? I wonder - maybe I was still playing on xbox when they added them and then, when I flicked over to pc and Odyssey, it didn't register (with me) that there was suddenly an extra class 1 module slot. ;o)
Before you pointed this out to me, I was troubled by the thought of putting something the size of a kettle into a space where something the size of a fridge-freezer coud go .
Thank you for the head's up - appreciate you taking the time to share that with me
I think you can already type in a number here?

If you are in a wing and multiple people have ships parked you can already use the menu to go to a wingmate's ship.
And related to this - the signage at the elevators should be changed to say "Elevators" instead of "hangars" - otherwise how are people (NPCs) going to other parts of the stations?
What?! You can?
[goes to look - and realises for the first time ever that you can put cursor in amount field and type number]
God Dammit - it was there all along! Today I learned!
And yep - your point about wing mates and going to their ships in hanger - well, guess who plays alone 99% of the time?!
Yup - me - and so hadn't considered this.
Thank you Elfener - so chuffed I can type amounts in... It was there right in front of me. Thank you
Same but could be just a time filler due to load times of new build, like the hyperspace animation.
Yeah - time filler - like exiting ship, travelling in elevator - basically time for the system to work in the background. Makes sense.

I'd put this as #1 - yep
It's funny you can set them for sale and buy them faster than you can transfer them. Exaclty

I thought about this but there are scattered traders and finding/recalling them is part of the game. Putting them on every carrier defeats the purpose of having them on ships. I wouldn't be against having them if they only traded the materials you deposited. I wouldn't want them magically having all materials.
Okay - yeah I get that... So some balance between the two (somehow or other)

Bar staff are not technically material traders, they are doing deals under the table because they meet a lot of commanders and shady factions, they can move product.
Yep - I've got Star Wars cantina vibes now

Seems like a bridge too far but yes, it's different. Then again, waiting 16m is also a bit of a delay. Maybe a carrier should only be able to jump X amount of times in a week. Once you use those up you're there until next week.
Waiting for 15 mins makes sense - batten down the hatches, prepare crew, get the decorator painting the outside of the carrier back indoors etc.
So many jumps in a week - makes some sense... Commanders will be more methodcal about jumps and so reduce jump frequency etc.
For me - it's the frustration of not being able to do my thing whilst CG traffic is slowing jump times
* - especially when I'm not partaking in the CG
*I'm 'assuming' that's a cause - not knowing for certain)

I believe the slots were given to use for these modules. If this was to go away the slots should go away.
Yep - only realised this when Dillon pointed it out to me earlier

We should be able to sell all materials on our carriers to all commanders, except maybe encoded materials. Then again, we can sell data materials we've downloaded so it shouldn't be an issue.

Probably wouldn't work well with all the jump craziness. My carrier position shows up in the nav panel before my carrier. I imagine that's what Apex would use to find it and it wouldn't be there yet. I think you can take an escape pod from the carrier, but I've never done it and have no idea where I would end up.
True - this drove me crazy the other night... Had to quit to desktop and log in again for carrier to show in right place

I like this idea in theory.
Just for it to behave the same as the Station hologram (or anything else we target)

I think this is to prevent the elevator doors from constantly opening like the other doors do when you stand near them, which would disable the elevator if anyone else was trying to use it. I'm just glad we don't have to enter a code. I don't quite understand it though, my command post is right near my landing pad, but when I leave the elevator it's at the other end of the ship.
Yep - this is me playing the game alone and not having some appreciation of elevator door mechanics when multiple players in same instance

Overall some good suggestions collected in one place.
They've been gathering dust in the back of my mind - then I realised these suggestion pages were here ;o)
Thank you Scmmack for stopping and taking the time to read and share your thoughts - I've already learnt a few things I hadn't considered before making this post.
My apologies in advance - I suspect I should have provided these suggestions as seperate posts.
(The following suggestions are in no particular order)

Cargo not showing in inventory after purchase
Have to go back into commodity market to trigger the game to display cargo in my ship cargo hold.
I thought this had been fixed in a recent update - but I still have this issue (do others amongst you still have this issue?

Ship outfitting animations
Weapon retract animation when swapping load out in in carrier and station outfitting screen.
Would it be possible to add an option to switch off these animations in outfitting screen.
This would enable players who like these animations to keep them, and players who, like myself, rock with impatience can switch them off.

Carrier jump plotting
Those occasions when setting a fleet carrier jump, but the jump is rejected because the target system is already full.
This is okay, but why does it take me out of the carrier galaxy map and to the carrier management screen?
Can this be updated so that it informs me that my chosen jump cannot be made - but leaves me in the galaxy map where I can locate a target system close to the one already rejected?

Cargo transfer
Could a key modifier option be added so that a commander can speed up the cargo / credits transfer counter?
Hold down a second key to make cargo / credits volume to increase in volumes of 10s or 50s.
If not a modifier key then the perhaps an option to type a quantity in instead?
This could apply to all transfer counters:

  • In stations and carriers, increasing / decreasing cargo purchase volume
  • On carrier - setting commodity sale prices
  • Carrier budget screen - credit deposit and withdrawals from carrier balance
I can 'transfer all' cargo from my ship cargo hold to my carrier cargo hold. But when I want to transfer a certain portion of cargo from ship to carrier - I find the value slider so slow. It's frustrating that a visitor to my carrier can move the cargo purchase amount faster than I, as the carrier owner, can transfer a measured portion of commodities from my ship cargo to carrier cargo.

Carrier services - Ship / Module material trader
It would be nice (as a carrier owner) to have an option to install a Material Trader to my carrier services.
This trader could barter ship engineering materials just as these material traders do on stations.
Also - why are bar staff material traders anyway?!
”Evening, I’d like a drink, packet of peanuts and a couple of electrical circuits please”
Sorry Commander this Is a respectable establishment we don’t serve that sort of stuff, now then what sort of circuits were you after.

Carrier Jump times during CG
Carrier jump times during cg - can this be addressed somehow?
48 minute carrier jump times can be frustrating.
It is a way of reminding those of us out in the deep that a CG is running, I suspect the fix is to persuade people not to use their carriers so much for CGs as the times are influenced by traffic.

Size 1 module slots
Flight assist modules - why do docking computers have to take up size 2 and 3 slots?
I often wish that ships had more than 1 or 2 size 1 slots (especially the large ships)
With more size 1 slots (at least 3) these small flight assist units (computer software/hardware?) could be accommodated without having to take up anything larger than a size 1 equipment slot.
Can’t all ships have at least x3 size 1 slots for

  • Docking computer
  • Super-cruise assist
  • Surface scanner
When they added the Advanced Docking Computer and Supercruise Assist to the game small ships got two new slots and larger ships got one to compensate. A common request is to have these modules built into the ship but that gets shouted down as many don’t want those additional slots removed again.

Remote camera - flight readout overlay
Could an overlay of cockpit flight readouts be added to remote camera view (hidden and revealed with a key press)
Just enough to show:

  • Compass bearing
  • Altitude
  • Pitch / Roll
Would be nice to see these whilst following my ship in external camera view as I fly 50 to 100 metres above the planet surface

Engineering material and Alt accounts
Selling/Exchanging ship Engineering materials between alt accounts
I know we cannot sell ship and module engineering materials between commanders. But could an option be added for commanders with more than one Alt to sell/exchange ship and module engineering materials between Alt accounts?
The difficulty is telling the difference between who owns what account, as far as the game is concerned Commander Virtual Tonto is a totally separate entity to Commander Virtual Otnot.

"Taxi!" - Taxi's between carriers?
Could there be an option to take taxi to a carrier as well as stations and planet surface stations?
But what happens to the poor Apex driver when the Carrier jumps before he can leave.

Carrier Hologram - orientation?
Could the carrier hologram be updated so that it shows the orientation of the carrier before dropping from super-cruise?
We can see the orientation of a targeted station in the target hologram - can't this be so with carriers too?

Remote Carrier management
Would love to be able to set carrier jumps or carrier market purchase/sale prices without being in game (say - from mobile phone)
(….I guess I should buy a steam deck)

Elevators - "Going Up?"

Elevators in stations and carriers. First - thank you for not making us aim and press a tiny button on the elevator.
But, since there is only one floor option - up or down - do we need to choose?
Maybe this is a placeholder for future development, more floors on carriers and stations.
But for now, if we enter carrier on ground floor - can it just be assumed that we are heading to the upper floor - and vice versa?

Specialist carrier options
All of the carriers are basically the same, regardless of whether we chose Trade, Exploration etc.
I’m not sure what roles or features could be added, but something to add to each commander’s play style might make carriers more interesting.
Take the following suggestions with a grain of salt - my point is, just adding something unique to carrier - maybe even some reason for a commander to go the the bridge on their carrier.

Trade carrier
Able to carry more cargo, and able to make local station commodity purchases from carrier bridge?
Exploration carrier
Able to jump a little further or plot a series of four jumps and have the carrier follow this plotted route.
Able to make full system scans automatically (without leaving carrier and jumping to super-cruise)

Combat carrier
Able to immediately identify local bounty mission targets within system?

Mining carrier
Presence of a commander’s carrier - close to a planet ring - increases the metal/mineral content of asteroids.

And finally - thank you for providing this opportunity to share ideas and suggestions.
Carrier Jump times during CG
Carrier jump times during cg - can this be addressed somehow?
48 minute carrier jump times can be frustrating.

They already did, in the Beta it was 2 hours to jump, 1 hour cooldown, they reduced it to the point where they said if it was any shorter it would cause serious issues, so why are people surprised when a large number of carriers jumping at once causes a problem?
Cargo not showing in inventory after purchase
Have to go back into commodity market to trigger the game to display cargo in my ship cargo hold.
I thought this had been fixed in a recent update - but I still have this issue (do others amongst you still have this issue?
This sounds exactly like the commodity mission reward issue I experienced in the CG; Commodity rewards don't appear in your inventory until you go to the commodity market. So more than just carriers to fix this with
Size 1 module slots
Flight assist modules - why do docking computers have to take up size 2 and 3 slots?
I often wish that ships had more than 1 or 2 size 1 slots (especially the large ships)
With more size 1 slots (at least 3) these small flight assist units (computer software/hardware?) could be accommodated without having to take up anything larger than a size 1 equipment slot.
Can’t all ships have at least x3 size 1 slots for

  • Docking computer
  • Super-cruise assist
  • Surface scanner
As others have said, size 1's got added explicitly for this. I don't feel like there's any reason to require all three for all ships, and think it's fine as a "what do i want my ship to do" build consideration..
Engineering material and Alt accounts
Selling/Exchanging ship Engineering materials between alt accounts
I know we cannot sell ship and module engineering materials between commanders. But could an option be added for commanders with more than one Alt to sell/exchange ship and module engineering materials between Alt accounts?
Sounds pretty impossible to tell the difference between alts and simply different players.
"Taxi!" - Taxi's between carriers?
Could there be an option to take taxi to a carrier as well as stations and planet surface stations?
Ooooh, exploit city right there... or at least, just bad design
Specialist carrier options
All of the carriers are basically the same, regardless of whether we chose Trade, Exploration etc.
I’m not sure what roles or features could be added, but something to add to each commander’s play style might make carriers more interesting.
Take the following suggestions with a grain of salt - my point is, just adding something unique to carrier - maybe even some reason for a commander to go the the bridge on their carrier.

Trade carrier
Able to carry more cargo, and able to make local station commodity purchases from carrier bridge?
Exploration carrier
Able to jump a little further or plot a series of four jumps and have the carrier follow this plotted route.
Able to make full system scans automatically (without leaving carrier and jumping to super-cruise)

Combat carrier
Able to immediately identify local bounty mission targets within system?

Mining carrier
Presence of a commander’s carrier - close to a planet ring - increases the metal/mineral content of asteroids.
Thought that was the original design of FCs (specialised hulls, that is), which got scrapped in favour of what we have today.
I like all of those (no need to quote).

The idea of the Material Trader in carriers is great!

I doubt trading between accounts would be possible (direct, as it happens for legs stuff).

Sorry Commander this Is a respectable establishment we don’t serve that sort of stuff, now then what sort of circuits were you after.

It is a way of reminding those of us out in the deep that a CG is running, I suspect the fix is to persuade people not to use their carriers so much for CGs as the times are influenced by traffic.

When they added the Advanced Docking Computer and Supercruise Assist to the game small ships got two new slots and larger ships got one to compensate. A common request is to have these modules built into the ship but that gets shouted down as many don’t want those additional slots removed again.

The difficulty is telling the difference between who owns what account, as far as the game is concerned Commander Virtual Tonto is a totally separate entity to Commander Virtual Otnot.

But what happens to the poor Apex driver when the Carrier jumps before he can leave.
Hi aRJay - thank you for taking the time to read and reply.
You gave me a couple of giggles there - I like the bar staff one, made me spit my tea ;o)
There are a couple of thing - like the addition of extra size one module spaces - that I hadn't realise had already been updated.
I can only think that I'd missed that switch as I moved from console to pc.
o7 aRJay
They already did, in the Beta it was 2 hours to jump, 1 hour cooldown, they reduced it to the point where they said if it was any shorter it would cause serious issues, so why are people surprised when a large number of carriers jumping at once causes a problem?
Hi varonica,
I recall this now you mention it. My memory of these things fades with time (partly an age thing!)
Now that you've reminded me, I seem to recall that carriers were kind of niche in some ways (weren't they insanely more exepensive to operate intially?)
Thank you for taking the time to read my post and reply - I appreciate it varonica.
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