Newcomer / Intro old questions from a *new* player ( sorta late to the pilot party here ) ...

ok unfortunately i haven't found any pre-engineered DSS's yet , but i did finally scan my 1st entire planet last nite yay !!! 🛰️ Very fun task , imo .

Looking forward to more exploration....

ah ok yes i still have sooooo many 'keybinds' to assign! ( that's a whole side mini-game unto itself lol )
I wouldn’t call it a mini-game it is far to large and complicated for that.

hehe , i hear ya yep i really like that Krait style and i actually just realized that 'dropship' i been riding down into the ground ( Odyssey ) CZ's is also technically The Vulture ship?

Also, couple more questions please:

36. Somehow , i finally received my very 1st in-game MAIL from an Engineer ! Someone named 'Hero Ferrari' ( lol nice name ) and please no spoilers , because i haven't had time to travel/visit her yet , but anyways this player in-game said "the only way nowadays" to get the material item she needs ( settlement defense plans ) is to do an "exploit" ?!?! -- But i don't like exploits and i'm not an exploiter type player, so i don't wanna do that. Is this really the only method?!?!​
36 a. * i was able to find THIS forum link.... ...but it's from 2022 , so is it still valid or was there some type of "nerf" for current 2024 or somethin' ?​
36 b. Either way i'm gonna need a suit with 'stealth' module, correct?​
Pass, but remember you can find and buy engineered suits and weapons at Pioneer Stores to shortcut or avoid engineering.

37. During a basic 'delivery/retrieval' mission , i stumbled upon this 'geiser' with what appeared to be some rare mineral ROCK just beside the geiser hole. So, i used my SRV ( 1st time using it ) and tried going over near the geiser to "shoot" at the mineral rock to break it up so i could "cargo scoop" gather it ? However, when i shot at the rock, i didn't realize how close this geiser was to this settlement BASE and so this hovering Terminator-like DRONE got mad at me and started attacking me lol ( as well as sounding the alarm for the entire base of NPCs to come after me ) . -- Was this just bad luck bad proximity of this particular geiser? Or was it because i also haven't aligned myself with that specific Faction of the nearby settlement base?​
Too close, you need to be outside the No fire zone. Don’t shoot those ’rocks’ by the geysers when there is any activity from the geyser as there is a good chance that anything you knock loose will get launched out of range by the geyser.

37 a. *By the way, i chose to run and got killed by the drone + 8 NPC enemies ... Should i have just killed them instead? Or would that give me some large 'bounty' or 'fine' or worse?​
Depends on whether or not they were wanted criminals or not, you would need to target one long enough to find out.
ok unfortunately i haven't found any pre-engineered DSS's yet
Only available via human technology broker and they are not brought with credits, they are purchased with mats.

26 Tellurium
26 Electrochemical Arrays
28 Chemical Processors
18 Datamined Wake Exceptions

This might seem a lot but when you take into account what mats are required to engineer a normal DSS to a lower standard than this they are worth the effort. I have them fitted to my exploration and mining ships.
36. Somehow , i finally received my very 1st in-game MAIL from an Engineer ! Someone named 'Hero Ferrari' ( lol nice name ) and please no spoilers , because i haven't had time to travel/visit her yet , but anyways this player in-game said "the only way nowadays" to get the material item she needs ( settlement defense plans ) is to do an "exploit" ?!?! -- But i don't like exploits and i'm not an exploiter type player, so i don't wanna do that. Is this really the only method?!?!​
No. Like many things in ED if you are prepared to relog you will cut down on the amount of time it takes you to get some stuff. You are not required to do it, it will just take longer. The way I see relogging at some POIs is, it's really not much different if I was to find a new one, it's just taking more time. It's not like it's hard to find more. You can also just buy them from carriers, you'll have no idea if the carrier owner did "exploits" to get them so your hands are clean. ;)
Pass, but remember you can find and buy engineered suits and weapons at Pioneer Stores to shortcut or avoid engineering.
First, why "pass" ? Did i ask something i shouldn't have asked about? ( if so, i apologize )

Secondly, why would i ever want to "avoid" Engineering one of the seemingly coolest & closest aspects to Crafting in the game? ( again, if i'm somehow misunderstanding then please set me straight , np )
Only available via human technology broker and they are not brought with credits, they are purchased with mats.

26 Tellurium
26 Electrochemical Arrays
28 Chemical Processors
18 Datamined Wake Exceptions

This might seem a lot but when you take into account what mats are required to engineer a normal DSS to a lower standard than this they are worth the effort.
i come from SWG/JTL ( Pre-cu all the way 'til the bitter end ) so i'm never afraid of any "effort" . In fact, i quite enjoy it. :cool:

i haven't encountered any 'human technology broker' yet , but i'm def. looking forward to it now even more , thanks to your post & intel , since i am a big fan of options.
Like many things in ED if you are prepared to relog you will cut down on the amount of time it takes you to get some stuff.
Once again i'm sorry for sounding naive or ignorant here but... Why would i ever want to ruin my game-flow ( not to mention location & immersion ) by doing some trick "relog" ?

Lastly, i read thru that 2022 'settlement defense plans' thread i linked before , as well as a few other same topic threads , and i'm still very confused.... Is everyone basically saying that this particular item drop is not only SUPER rare , but also the very methods by which to attain it aren't functioning properly? ( hence the need to "exploit" ? )
but anyways this player in-game said "the only way nowadays" to get the material item she needs

Which isn't true, what she meant was the only way to get materials as fast as she wants them, is to use an exploit. There's a big difference between the "only way" and "fastest way," but you have to decide for yourself what you want to do. As mentioned the are other ways to get these mats that don't involve exploits, for instance I needed stuff for an engineer that can't be purchased at a station but can only be mined, but a handy fleet carrier was selling them so I purchased them. Sure i could have mined them, but I have mined plenty in past so it's not like I am avoiding a game loop at all. Your choice, if you enjoy material farming and engineering the way it was designed to work do it that way, you will get what you need eventually and it is actually quite fun for some people.
SDP are just hard to get, there is no confirmed bug about them. Like I said, relog is a choice, it's not required. If you don't want to do it, don't do it. Just expect that it will take you longer, or like I also said you can buy it from a carrier as long as you don't care that someone else might have used an "exploit".

This is one of those Frontier head scratchers. They're prepared to sell ships for "accessibility" but they won't reduce the required amount of SDPs from 15 to 5, which is a far more reasonable number. 🤦‍♂️
Lastly, i read thru that 2022 'settlement defense plans' thread i linked before , as well as a few other same topic threads , and i'm still very confused.... Is everyone basically saying that this particular item drop is not only SUPER rare , but also the very methods by which to attain it aren't functioning properly? ( hence the need to "exploit" ? )
You can find them at data terminals present in some mission destinations (or maybe just the POI if you come across it). Some like to relog when they've found a POI that is dropping them as it's supposedly easier and faster, personally I think it's boring and cheesy.

There is another way to gather the necessary 15 SDPs. There are digital espionage missions to download a SDP. You take the mission, go there and download the SDP, and then you abort the mission keeping the SDP. It's not super fast but if you do those missions when you find them it won't take all that long to gather what you need. You'll only need 15 of them for an engineer unlock, and after that you'll never need them again.
First, why "pass" ? Did i ask something i shouldn't have asked about? ( if so, i apologize )

Once again i'm sorry for sounding naive or ignorant here but... Why would i ever want to ruin my game-flow ( not to mention location & immersion ) by doing some trick "relog" ?

1. "Pass", like on mastermind, means they don't have an answer. (In this case probably because they have not pursued Odyssey engineering - I have never done any either.)

2. I'll give you an example: - Modified Embedded Firmware (MEF) is a type of data "material" that is extensively used in certain types of ship weapon engineering. To find a sample of this one has to override a series of data-points at surface installations, completion of which proves a "sort-of-random" number of data which can (if you are lucky) include a sample of MEF.

Back in the day, we had to travel from planet to planet, system to system, installation to installation - at each one, working out how to complete the process of scanning three data-points spread around the installation within a time limit without being blown up by security. On top of that, you could only do a data-gathering run on each installation once per week (I think it was one week) as they required that time to reset.

So, as you can imagine, the player-base built up a database of installation types, data probabilities per type and maps of the installation types, complete with routes to carry out the data-point scanning within the time limit. (Maintained by @djadjok (y))

Needless to say, this was incredibly frustrating if you wanted 30 MEF to engineer your weapons.

In the end, FDEV removed the one-week reset time for data-points. Now, when I need MEF I just go to one particular installation in my SRV, scan the required three data-points, exit to main menu, reload and repeat the run, etc.

So you can consider that an "exploit" or immersion-breaking if you like. The point is, if you leave the planet then fly back to the installation, you can harvest the data again - relogging just cuts out all that - leave the instance, enter supercruise, return to where you were - time.

The exact same thing applies to the other "resource wells" that FDEV have built into the game, Crashed Ships and Dav's Hope for example. So decide for yourself if you want to eschew the "exploit" shortcut, your choice, your time to waste. LOL

BTW - You cannot use that method for resource "instances" that are used-up by gathering - so when you go to an emissions site in space (HGE, Encoded or Degraded), the act of entering the instance means it is no longer there to enter again by using the exit to menu system. There is an actual exploit to farm HGEs but 1) I won't mention it (as I think of it as an exploit) and 2) there is no need for it, all you have to do is go to Imperial Space and visit the HGEs, they are abundant.

Sorry, that went on too long.
In the end, FDEV removed the one-week reset time for data-points. Now, when I need MEF I just go to one particular installation in my SRV, scan the required three data-points, exit to main menu, reload and repeat the run, etc.
Or, nowadays, you could just rank up with a few factions in a system (you might have to go all the way to "allied", though), equip a ship for long distance passenger ("sightseeing") missions and cash in 4..5 MEF per mission (at the cost of losing 1..2 MCr. on the payout).
First, why "pass" ? Did i ask something i shouldn't have asked about? ( if so, i apologize )
To skip past most of your question as I don’t usually do missions so don’t know how essential the capability is.

Secondly, why would i ever want to "avoid" Engineering one of the seemingly coolest & closest aspects to Crafting in the game? ( again, if i'm somehow misunderstanding then please set me straight , np )
I am fine with engineering stuff in the game almost all my ships are heavily engineered, however as I am not doing on foot combat in addition to not doing missions so buying upgraded stuff from Pioneer gets me enough capability and skips several steps of engineering and upgrade so I don’t have to find semi mythical things like SDPs etc.

i come from SWG/JTL ( Pre-cu all the way 'til the bitter end ) so i'm never afraid of any "effort" . In fact, i quite enjoy it. :cool:

i haven't encountered any 'human technology broker' yet , but i'm def. looking forward to it now even more , thanks to your post & intel , since i am a big fan of options.
Note there are also Guardian tech brokers with different stocks and requirements people have posted before complaining that what they want wasn’t available when they were actually at the wrong broker.

Once again i'm sorry for sounding naive or ignorant here but... Why would i ever want to ruin my game-flow ( not to mention location & immersion ) by doing some trick "relog" ?
There are some people who value speed of progress above other factors.
There's a big difference between the "only way" and "fastest way," but you have to decide for yourself what you want to do.
yep i hear ya and all these replies are helping my understanding A LOT !
SDP are just hard to get, there is no confirmed bug about them. Like I said, relog is a choice, it's not required. If you don't want to do it, don't do it. Just expect that it will take you longer, or like I also said you can buy it from a carrier as long as you don't care that someone else might have used an "exploit".

This is one of those Frontier head scratchers. They're prepared to sell ships for "accessibility" but they won't reduce the required amount of SDPs from 15 to 5, which is a far more reasonable number.
Yes i personally would love to hear directly from the DEVS about their logic or justification on this topic; particularly if presumanly they are aware of the "exploit" , because one would hope they would prefer to reduce the required number in order to give greater incentive for players to PLAY their game design as intended, no?

But anyways.... Regarding your top sentence about "buy it from a carrier" :
38. How can i figure out which carrier is selling these 'settlement defense plan' items ( or any such similar mission type item ) ? Do i just simply goto System Map and filter into that list of current Carriers in-system and then just go check them out each vendors one-by-one ?​
38 a. Do these types of mission items ever showup on the Commodoties Marketplace you can access from ship-landing menu? ( re: 'services' or whatever it's called )​
You can find them at data terminals present in some mission destinations (or maybe just the POI if you come across it). Some like to relog when they've found a POI that is dropping them as it's supposedly easier and faster, personally I think it's boring and cheesy.

There is another way to gather the necessary 15 SDPs. There are digital espionage missions to download a SDP. You take the mission, go there and download the SDP, and then you abort the mission keeping the SDP. It's not super fast but if you do those missions when you find them it won't take all that long to gather what you need. You'll only need 15 of them for an engineer unlock, and after that you'll never need them again.
Good tip since again as i mentioned above: i'm always big fan of having options yep! /salute 👨‍🚀
Sorry, that [reply] went on too long.
i read every word ! ( i really appreciate all the detailed intel )
Or, nowadays, you could just rank up with a few factions in a system (you might have to go all the way to "allied", though),
Yeah i've actually been sorta doing that , organically , without even really trying to "grind" it per se. Just because i'm still so curious about everything EliteD has to offer, that i actually enjoy doing all these basic rudimentary computer-console 'delivery/retrieve' type missions. However....

39. i'm guessing eventually, once i figure out which exact specific Factions i want to align with ( long term ) , i should probably have more purpose to my Rank-ups? This is one of the ways i presume that players like me can actually affect the "war" activitiy within each System?​
BTW , for anyone, yes you guessed it....More questions lol:

40. Last nite when i was finally learning how to use my 'DSS' to fully scan planets & moons , on one of the moons i think ( it had 'rings' around it and i couldn't land on it, so i'm guessing it was only a mining moon? ) after i finished 100% scan, this blue-gray GRID remained graphically over the entire globe while i was still flying in Space above it. No matter how far away i flew, that grid remained. ( even though i wasn't within the DSS fire-probes ui screen anymore ) Is this a bug? Or do planets/moons you've already DSS fully scanned just stay in GRID-form forever until you reach their surfaces ( closer to land ) ?​
41. Is it normal for me to really despise Gravity Wells with severe space hatred LOL ? i've been trying to figure out how best to avoid them, both in trajectory of approach as well as my ship SPEED . But maybe they just aren't avoidable at all? And if not, is there some type of ship upgrade or modification that i can unlock someday to help with getting pulled into Gravity Wells ? ( *if you can't answer without too much spoiler'ing , np just ignore this question )​

Note there are also Guardian tech brokers with different stocks and requirements people have posted before complaining that what they want wasn’t available when they were actually at the wrong broker.
ahhhh ok yeah actually my buddy in-game was mentioning ( encouraging ) me to go visit a "Tech heavy" system so that i could also find something called a "Class C biweave shield" for my ship. --- i might be confusing what he meant though. Not sure yet since i'm still figuring things out of course. 💫
"semi mythical things like SDPs"

You just have to look for the right mission.
Gotcha cool no worries yep i def. enjoy at least some level of....mystery! 👾
38. How can i figure out which carrier is selling these 'settlement defense plan' items ( or any such similar mission type item ) ? Do i just simply goto System Map and filter into that list of current Carriers in-system and then just go check them out each vendors one-by-one ?​
You can have a look at inara, but items like these tend to sell quick so unless there's a lot you will miss out unless you are fast. You can also try your luck here the-odyssey-materials-exchange-thread
38 a. Do these types of mission items ever showup on the Commodoties Marketplace you can access from ship-landing menu? ( re: 'services' or whatever it's called )​
Only on the Terminals on the concourse.
40. Last nite when i was finally learning how to use my 'DSS' to fully scan planets & moons , on one of the moons i think ( it had 'rings' around it and i couldn't land on it, so i'm guessing it was only a mining moon? ) after i finished 100% scan, this blue-gray GRID remained graphically over the entire globe while i was still flying in Space above it. No matter how far away i flew, that grid remained. ( even though i wasn't within the DSS fire-probes ui screen anymore ) Is this a bug? Or do planets/moons you've already DSS fully scanned just stay in GRID-form forever until you reach their surfaces ( closer to land ) ?​
That's normal for a scanned body fi you stay in Analysis mode. If you don't want to see it switch to Combat mode.
41. Is it normal for me to really despise Gravity Wells with severe space hatred LOL ? i've been trying to figure out how best to avoid them, both in trajectory of approach as well as my ship SPEED . But maybe they just aren't avoidable at all? And if not, is there some type of ship upgrade or modification that i can unlock someday to help with getting pulled into Gravity Wells ? ( *if you can't answer without too much spoiler'ing , np just ignore this question )​
If you want to avoid gravity wells avoid bodies in space. Obviously you can't avoid the one you are going to.
39. That's going to be a tough one - we're back at the BGS here. Essentially, during a war, other missions have no (so far detectable) effect on your chosen faction. The two opposing faction's influences during a war remain locked until that war is resolved. Outside of a war, however - missions ususally offer four types of rewards: cash, materials (for you), reputation (REP) or influence (INF). In most cases, you can choose between three mission reward packages with different amounts of each.
REP is your reputation with the mission offering faction - doing missions for REP rewards will improve your standing with that faction (yes, there are also ways to decrease your standing with a faction), and having a higher REP will get you better (paying) missions from that faction. You will also gain reputation from the superpower (Empire, Federation) that this faction is allied with, progressing you through this superpower's ranks. Superpower ranks in turn will then unlock access to specific systems (like Sol) or ships (like the Imperial Cutter).
INF is the influence of that faction in the system - as mentioned, during a war, that INF is locked. Outside of a war, the INF increases or decreases according to the BGS - and your actions can shove that INF, to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the details of the system you are working in. If the INF of one faction gets close to the INF of another faction, these two factions go into a war. If the INF drops far enough, the faction has to retreat from this system (unless they're native or otherwise locked to this system by "the hand of God"). If the iNF rises high enough, that faction goes into expansion and will try to expand into another suitable system.

41. Until a few updates ago, that message was called "slow down" and led to a lot of confusion. No - that message pops up if you're going too fast with respect to the gradient of the gravity field you're in right now. Your FSD, so to say, loses traction with whatever it usually uses to accelerate against, and you can't brake properly any more. You can avoid that by either going slower (boring) or keeping away from celestial bodies. The new (for me, at least) SCO FSD also seems to somewhat help here. Oh, btw,. - anyone figured out yet whether you can set the SCO trigger from "toggle" to "hold"?
That's normal for a scanned body fi you stay in Analysis mode. If you don't want to see it switch to Combat mode.

Blue grid is for non-landable mapped planets, they will show as blue grid in analysis and normal in combat mode as stated already. landable planets will show up in two ways, either just a bare planet if there are no bio or geo present, or a blue splotchy location map to show the location of various bio/geo, which can be scrolled through in the DSS screen to show different types of bio/geo. Often the entire planet is blue, but that's because the default view is to see all bio/geo at once, and if there's a lot it can just cover the planet, just go to the DSS and filter through the various types, you will soon get the idea.
yep i hear ya and all these replies are helping my understanding A LOT !

Yes i personally would love to hear directly from the DEVS about their logic or justification on this topic; particularly if presumanly they are aware of the "exploit" , because one would hope they would prefer to reduce the required number in order to give greater incentive for players to PLAY their game design as intended, no?

But anyways.... Regarding your top sentence about "buy it from a carrier" :
38. How can i figure out which carrier is selling these 'settlement defense plan' items ( or any such similar mission type item ) ? Do i just simply goto System Map and filter into that list of current Carriers in-system and then just go check them out each vendors one-by-one ?​
38 a. Do these types of mission items ever showup on the Commodoties Marketplace you can access from ship-landing menu? ( re: 'services' or whatever it's called )​

Good tip since again as i mentioned above: i'm always big fan of having options yep! /salute 👨‍🚀

i read every word ! ( i really appreciate all the detailed intel )

Yeah i've actually been sorta doing that , organically , without even really trying to "grind" it per se. Just because i'm still so curious about everything EliteD has to offer, that i actually enjoy doing all these basic rudimentary computer-console 'delivery/retrieve' type missions. However....

39. i'm guessing eventually, once i figure out which exact specific Factions i want to align with ( long term ) , i should probably have more purpose to my Rank-ups? This is one of the ways i presume that players like me can actually affect the "war" activitiy within each System?​
BTW , for anyone, yes you guessed it....More questions lol:

40. Last nite when i was finally learning how to use my 'DSS' to fully scan planets & moons , on one of the moons i think ( it had 'rings' around it and i couldn't land on it, so i'm guessing it was only a mining moon? )​
We can only land on bodies with no atmosphere or a tenuous one so if you cannot land it probably has more atmosphere than that.

after i finished 100% scan, this blue-gray GRID remained graphically over the entire globe while i was still flying in Space above it. No matter how far away i flew, that grid remained. ( even though i wasn't within the DSS fire-probes ui screen anymore ) Is this a bug?​
Or do planets/moons you've already DSS fully scanned just stay in GRID-form forever until you reach their surfaces ( closer to land ) ?​
It only shows up in analysis mode switch to combat and it goes away, so probably not a bug after all.

41. Is it normal for me to really despise Gravity Wells with severe space hatred LOL ? i've been trying to figure out how best to avoid them, both in trajectory of approach as well as my ship SPEED .​
Use the dim circles on your HUD to help keep your distance.

But maybe they just aren't avoidable at all? And if not, is there some type of ship upgrade or modification that i can unlock someday to help with getting pulled into Gravity Wells ? ( *if you can't answer without too much spoiler'ing , np just ignore this question )​
Not that we know of.

ahhhh ok yeah actually my buddy in-game was mentioning ( encouraging ) me to go visit a "Tech heavy" system so that i could also find something called a "Class C biweave shield" for my ship. --- i might be confusing what he meant though. Not sure yet since i'm still figuring things out of course. 💫
He was referring to a High Tech system which is a description of its economy and nothing to do with the Brokers.

Gotcha cool no worries yep i def. enjoy at least some level of....mystery! 👾

Yeah that's an interesting maybe. I see the blue grid after mapping non-landable planets, I don't know if other players see it differently or if it's meant to be that way by design. It seems a funny design specially since you can get rid of it by changing to combat mode, but then it occurs to me maybe it's related to the location map for landable planets since that behaves the same way.
"semi mythical things like SDPs"

You just have to look for the right mission.
"Gotcha cool no worries yep i def. enjoy at least some level of....mystery! 👾"

The mission from the hangar mission board (not the concourse one) is usually called surface recovery of 4 bootleg liquor (although I have seen other commodities) which when you land at the PoI, you can find 2 crashed skimmers, the data ports which can be accessed. If you do not take the mission items, you can do the relog dance.

However, you really need to ask, "do I really need to unlock the engineer?" On that engineer path, the only mod that cannot be obtained via other engineers, is headshot damage". IMO, this is not really a valuable mod.

If you really want some SDPs and do not fancy finding them organically via missions or settlement downloads, I know a man ;).

That's normal for a scanned body fi you stay in Analysis mode. If you don't want to see it switch to Combat mode.
ahhhh ok, cool thanks i never would've thought to switch into COMBAT mode at that point because i'm always worried it might "aggro" the planet Security Forces lol
Outside of a war, however - missions ususally offer four types of rewards: cash, materials (for you), reputation (REP) or influence (INF). In most cases, you can choose between three mission reward packages with different amounts of each.
yep i been doing just that , although since i'm still very "poor" newbie ( barely have 40mil now ) i typically only chose either straight Credits reward OR the Credits+item ( since i have no idea if maybe someday i might need those mission reward items for something or....someone )
Often the entire planet is blue, but that's because the default view is to see all bio/geo at once, and if there's a lot it can just cover the planet, just go to the DSS and filter through the various types, you will soon get the idea.
yeah i finally was able to locate that aforementioned "PLANT" type i talked about on page 4 of this same thread , which i needed to complete the 1/3 requirement for Exo reward turn-in. --- Searching around the System by myself , only using in-game tools & info ( from my Codex ) was absolutely thrilling and satisfying once i landed on the correct planet with this specific 'plant' type.

However, i'm not exactly sure how to read the DSS post-scanned map ui ( filtering thru each Bio type as you said ) of the globe surface itself , to know exactly where to LAND in order to maximize the spot area whereby the Bio 'plant' ( or resource or bacteria or whatever ) is actually located. Is it just a matter of land random area and then use SRV to search & explore?
He was referring to a High Tech system which is a description of its economy and nothing to do with the Brokers.
ah ok gotcha np i guess i'll run into those Brokers eventually and i sure hope that type of Tech system carries 'Class C biweave shields' , for whenever i find & reach that system. So much to discover ! 💫
If you really want some SDPs and do not fancy finding them organically via missions or settlement downloads, I know a man .
haha yes indeed i just replied to you here... ....and so, regarding your answer there: I could've sworn there is indeed a method by which to locate PLAYER Carriers in-game , because i distinctly remember last nite choosing some filter clicky within System Map ui and it listed a bunch of "nearby" Carriers , including one that had a very inappropriate R-rated Carrier ship name. So are you certain?

Seems odd to force players out-of-game just to find player Carriers , no? Anyways, i'll check again later today when i get back online EliteD.
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