Open-Only in PP2.0

Robert Maynard

Volunteer Moderator
Indeed, however people who choose Open in Powerplay do so for opportunistic reasons as they play, not to fanatically guard. Its why if NPCs fail they seek other players to be intelligent foes.
.... and if any aspect of any game feature were to be PvP-gated to Open then there'd be reason enough for those not interested in PvP to carefully select which one they played in while continuing to engage in the feature.
Again, thats up to them. Its not frustrating to anyone because the response will be they are still taking that chance.

You say that because of Open’s self-selecting nature. I’ve played the game you’re imagining numerous times, and each time the result is either a hard coded anti-PvP switch, or shutting down the game due to lack of players. Elite Dangerous Open mode is an anomaly because Frontier decided to try something different. It was mostly to minimize the high costs of active GMing, but they pulled a Homer and stumbled upon a system which keeps the amount if unsportsmanlike behavior low.
You say that because of Open’s self-selecting nature. I’ve played the game you’re imagining numerous times, and each time the result is either a hard coded anti-PvP switch, or shutting down the game due to lack of players. Elite Dangerous Open mode is an anomaly because Frontier decided to try something different. It was mostly to minimize the high costs of active GMing, but they pulled a Homer and stumbled upon a system which keeps the amount if unsportsmanlike behavior low.
There is no need to imagine it because thats what mostly happens. Guys log on, fly about, deal with others. There will always be people who want 1:1 stuff but thats not what Open Powerplay is and its these guys who will be frustrated.
There is no need to imagine it because thats what mostly happens. Guys log on, fly about, deal with others. There will always be people who want 1:1 stuff but thats not what Open Powerplay is and it’s these guys who will be frustrated.

That’s kind of my point.

Right now, you are experiencing this kind of gameplay at its best. This is because the types of players who would make this experience worse either don’t play in open, or far more likely have quit playing entirely because the environment that you (and I, to a lesser extent) find fun is frustrating to them. They find it hard to maintain the illusion of being big bad PvPers in an Open environment where everyone there is there willingly, and thus generally not easy to kill.

You’re imagining an open only environment where everyone is willing to play PowerPlay by your rules. This is what you got right now, with the exception of an insignificant minority playing in other modes. My experience in other MMOs, and before the MUDs tells me that once open stops being voluntary, you’ll be faced with environment where almost nobody will be willing to play by your rules.

And that isn’t my definition of fun.

That’s kind of my point.

Right now, you are experiencing this kind of gameplay at its best. This is because the types of players who would make this experience worse either don’t play in open, or far more likely have quit playing entirely because the environment that you (and I, to a lesser extent) find fun is frustrating to them. They find it hard to maintain the illusion of being big bad PvPers in an Open environment where everyone there is there willingly, and thus generally not easy to kill.

You’re imagining an open only environment where everyone is willing to play PowerPlay by your rules. This is what you got right now, with the exception of an insignificant minority playing in other modes. My experience in other MMOs, and before the MUDs tells me that once open stops being voluntary, you’ll be faced with environment where almost nobody will be willing to play by your rules.

And that isn’t my definition of fun.

And that would be the price of an Open Powerplay- you need the filter to create the 'container' everyone is in. No-one knows if this would attract more than it puts off, since there are as many wanting it to happen to those who don't on the forum. The last time it was put to us was in the old flash topics.

The multi mode equivalent is PvE that scales to players but also prevents continual farming without the game pushing back- its equally frustrating having current gameplay which only rewards grinding in a mode that provides minimal NPCs. I hope this is changed becauase the strategic layer suffers and since the difficulty curve is a horizonrtal line people quickly find it dull (like yourself).

The difficulty in Powerplay is having a game like ED where you can build your own rules imposed on a goal oriented feature like Powerplay which needs rules to be consistent, as well as capable oppositon.
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