Pawing at the Planetary Bell

Progress on the guide is coming along nicely. Just over half complete. Need to create some tables and scour some of the currently existing guides to fact-check. I don't think I need any additional screenshots or recordings, so all that's left is to format it properly and begin plugging in all the necessary information. With luck, I can finish by tonight. :3
Well I lied. I've spent the last 4 hours at work putting together as much as I can and the template is now complete. All that's left to do is make the thread, plug in the images and videos and post it up. Maybe expect it tonight. :) At work for the next 5 though, so early mornin' for my friends across the pond!
Alright well there was more image work needed than I thought. Sitting at about 80% completion and it looks good. The Horizons bit will be fairly empty at first but I'll fill it in as time goes on. Still need to pull some info from star charts and local tables and it'll be ready to go.

I've got about 3kly more to go until I am directly above Sag in the beta. Then I will attempt, with 8% hull left on my Anaconda... to use jumponium and see just how far I can go straight up.
Guide is finally up:
Still needs a little work but it is presentable now.

Currently immortal in the beta, again... =__=
Going to head out to a personal POI once the patch is done installing Tues/Wed whenever it actually goes live. Gotta check for interesting stuff... Hope for good screenshots. Then head back in preparation for DW.
Doing some exploration outside the bubble in prep for Distant Worlds.

Think I might name my next expedition (the portion where the DWE group splits after Beagle Point), Chasing the Planetary Ball.

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Well, the Distant Worlds Expedition has drawn to a close (for me, anyway), which means it is time to begin the next adventure.

What does that mean?
New graphics, new videos, new streams, new giveaways, more work on the OP and my guide thread and of course, more fun.

The journey starts today. You can expect changes soon, though as with last year's expedition, I have to prepare for a convention for the next couple months, so playtime will be sporadic.
Small stint today as I have a ton of chores and projects to work on.

Found this nice 0.00001 potato with an impact crater that probably went halfway to it's core, lol.




P.S. - Thanks to whoever changed the title for me. :3
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You are going to have to start a new thread when you start your new adventure! Question though: What is there left to do since you have already done the largest thing you can do?? You've already circumnavigated the galaxy and gone to the core. I'm actually very curious.
You are going to have to start a new thread when you start your new adventure! Question though: What is there left to do since you have already done the largest thing you can do?? You've already circumnavigated the galaxy and gone to the core. I'm actually very curious.

Sector Mapping. Aside from exploring the entire Galaxy and each quadrant therein, likely the most daunting task haha. Hopefully we are able to sort out systems we've visited some time soon!
I've decided that I will make a quick swing by the bubble after all. I would like to repair and replace my SRVs, maybe upgrade to a larger bay to account for mistakes/glitches and I do have a system a little more than 100ly further past BP that I would like to claim...
Well there was nothing quick about that.

2 months later, I've finally managed to return to Jameson to repair, refit and relaunch. Dumped my cargo rack, upgraded my power plant and picked up a 4-slot SRV bay.

For my next project, I will flying straight out to a Wolf-Rayet star in the center of a sector, checking to see if it has been discovered already, and then either:
A) Return to the bubble to claim it (it's not important that it's a WR star just that it's the sector center) or
B) Cry that it's been claimed, but continue on with my work of mapping the sector.

If the star has not been claimed, I will likely switch over to Open play for the remainder of the project, until I am either tired of it, too damaged to continue or something else occurs.

Once I arrive to the sector, I will be working on revising my exploration guide in just about all aspects. I purchased a 4-slot SRV bay to assist with that, at the sacrifice of a couple light-years jump range.
I will also be updating the first post of this thread to reflect changes in my plan, status, etc.

Lots of work to do!
Well, bad news all around.

In order of occurrence:

1. Ship randomly destroyed while sitting in deep space - Was viewing galaxy map and bookmarking all ELWs I have discovered to give myself a sense of where I've been, so I know where to explore down the road. No cause for the destruction, I simply combusted spontaneously. I was in a system with no planets and 3 stars, the closest of which being roughly 5kls or more from where I was sitting (I had logged out the night previous and thus was in deep space upon logging in). I was at least 30kly from SOL, so well beyond the reach of any pirates. I was not playing in open so there was no chance of another player killing me. No asteroid clusters, no ship malfunctions (hull at 95%, all modules 95+). No reason.

2. After a week. No response from FD about the above issue. I gave them the "response within 72 hours" benefit-of-the-doubt before deciding to head out again.

3. Ship explodes for no reason again. This time while exited Jameson Memorial's dock. Only reason I can think is that I was moving too slow but I did not seem to get vary many warnings about this. Whatever. Another 12m lost but at least no data.

4. Make my destination 45kly away in 4 days only to find the Wolf Rayet I had eyed last year was already discovered. Not only that but nearly all wolf rayet and large o-type stars in the area are already discovered. As mentioned above, oh well, I will continue on.

Work is being done on completely revitalizing the way I play the game. The single image in the first post of this thread is just a little teaser about what kind of things you can expect as I study relevant sources of inspiration. It will take some time, however. I have a few things to explore in the area before I return to Jameson and seek to teach myself what there is to know about Engineers before I go back out there again and start to map out the far reaches and update my compendium. I am multi-tasking, though. I've watched roughly 30 movies in the last week or so, with a few more to go. Then I will be looking at some animations and other various media. This will be the foundation for a great many things to come. I hope ED can keep up. :D
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