
Hi does anyone know why 800 or so systems are locked and the permits aren’t within the game?
Hmm, you probably need to be more specific. Out of the millions, which 800 is it that you mean? 😜

(Half joking-half serious btw. There are millions of permit locked systems. Generically, Unknown Permit regions are for future content. What the content relates to isn’t confirmed in most cases, but can be worked out with pretty much 100% certainty for a few regions.)
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Individual systems like Polaris and LFT 509, probably for later plot events. There's some in-game evidence of what these events might be, broadly.
Regions like Col 70 and the rest of the locks around Barnards' Loop are reserved for future Thargoid conflict events - at the pace that story is currently progressing, we might get to the bit that uses one of them in another ten years or so.
Regor sector is very clearly Guardian-related. There's another one about half-way to Sag A* for which there's strong evidence of it being Guardians as well.

Regions like Bovomit or Hyponia or Praei1-6 I expect are not so much "reserved for future content" as "reserved to be reserved for future content" - Frontier possibly has no idea whatsoever what these will be for, but doesn't want to take the chance that the game lasts 20 years longer than their optimistic projection and they don't have anywhere to put a new storyline that hasn't already been thoroughly surveyed.
Hmm, you probably need to be more specific. Out of the millions, which 800 is it that you mean? 😜

(Half joking-half serious btw. There are millions of permit locked systems. Generically, Unknown Permit regions are for future content. What the content relates to isn’t confirmed in most cases, but can be worked out with pretty much 100% certainty for a few regions.)
have a mate who stated out 800 systems locked within the bubble explorers found 1 that matches the criteria for raxxla, but I do hope they release them soon and put a few QoL changed and bug patches
have a mate who stated out 800 systems locked within the bubble explorers found 1 that matches the criteria for raxxla, but I do hope they release them soon and put a few QoL changed and bug patches
Hmm... well three major points:

- there’s nowhere near 800 permit locked systems in the bubble. Maybe 50-60.

- there isn’t a set of criteria for Raxxla.

- there isn’t a set of criteria for Raxxla.

Ok, I said the last one twice, but it’s such a fundamental point that I thought it was worth mentioning twice. 😀

Anyway, that bit seems to be talking about individual system locks. A lot of those permits can be obtained. For example, Sol is permit locked but the permit can be obtained by getting a rank of Petty Officer with the Federation.

The Unknown Permit regions are out in space, not in the bubble.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for the region locks to be lifted. None have been lifted so far and extra ones have been put in during the early days of the game.

The game has still got a long future development pipeline, and also it progresses in realtime, so region locks aren’t likely to be lifted until the content for them has been developed, and things within the game (/ events within the galaxy) have progressed to a suitable point.

The earliest we’re likely to see any unknown permits become obtainable is when Odyssey releases early next year. I wouldn’t necessarily expect any to be lifted directly on launch day though, rather it might introduce the means by which some will ultimately be lifted. (That’s just speculation on my part though.)
There are 56 individual star systems that are permit locked, the majority of which are within the bubble. 27 of these permits - just over half of them - are known to be obtainable, by one means or another. The rest are either unobtainable or their means of attainment are so arcane, no-one has so far been able to figure it out.

There are also 27 permit-locked regions. These spherical regions of space contain, in total, millions of stars. Most of these regions are in quite remote parts of the galaxy, though there are a few closer ones, mostly concentrated around the Orion Nebula / Barnard's Loop region, which were not locked when the game began, and therefore are not completely unexplored. Given that an attempt by a player group to bring their proto-carrier inside one of these permit-locked zones resulted in a huge Thargoid counterstrike, it is reasonably assumed that these zones - collectively known as the "Col 70 permit-locked area" - are Thargoid-related. The reasons for the existence of the other zones are unknown and unknowable until and unless FD decide to release them. FD have stated in the past that "all the permits are there for a reason", though I suspect many of those reasons are and always have been rather nebulous and subject to change. For example, I highly suspect that "Engineers" weren't part of the original master roadmap for the game, so "the Sirius permit is there to restrict access to the engineer based there" wold not have been the original purpose of the Sirius permit.

Finally, there are three landable planets that are currently permit-locked: Triton (moon of Neptune, Sol system), Lave 2 and Diso 5c. We do not know why these worlds are forbidden to us as these permits are likewise unobtainable, though the Lave 2 permit seems to have something to do with the old lore surrounding the old Lave Dictatorship. I suspect a whole bunch more permit-locked planets will be unveiled once Odyssey arrives and unlocks more landable planets.
have a mate who stated out 800 systems locked within the bubble explorers found 1 that matches the criteria for raxxla, but I do hope they release them soon and put a few QoL changed and bug patches
LFT 509, one of the permit-locked bubble systems to which no permit is available, has a plausible resemblance in at least some aspects to the description of the Dark Wheel's system (which is not Raxxla).

It might not be the Dark Wheel's system either, though - there are plenty of non-permit systems which also fit the same criteria.
LFT 509, one of the permit-locked bubble systems to which no permit is available, has a plausible resemblance in at least some aspects to the description of the Dark Wheel's system (which is not Raxxla).

It might not be the Dark Wheel's system either, though - there are plenty of non-permit systems which also fit the same criteria.
And that is under the assumption that Raxxla is a system/planet/stelar body... it can be anything :)
There are 56 individual star systems that are permit locked, the majority of which are within the bubble. 27 of these permits - just over half of them - are known to be obtainable, by one means or another. The rest are either unobtainable or their means of attainment are so arcane, no-one has so far been able to figure it out.

There are also 27 permit-locked regions. These spherical regions of space contain, in total, millions of stars. Most of these regions are in quite remote parts of the galaxy, though there are a few closer ones, mostly concentrated around the Orion Nebula / Barnard's Loop region, which were not locked when the game began, and therefore are not completely unexplored. Given that an attempt by a player group to bring their proto-carrier inside one of these permit-locked zones resulted in a huge Thargoid counterstrike, it is reasonably assumed that these zones - collectively known as the "Col 70 permit-locked area" - are Thargoid-related. The reasons for the existence of the other zones are unknown and unknowable until and unless FD decide to release them. FD have stated in the past that "all the permits are there for a reason", though I suspect many of those reasons are and always have been rather nebulous and subject to change. For example, I highly suspect that "Engineers" weren't part of the original master roadmap for the game, so "the Sirius permit is there to restrict access to the engineer based there" wold not have been the original purpose of the Sirius permit.

Finally, there are three landable planets that are currently permit-locked: Triton (moon of Neptune, Sol system), Lave 2 and Diso 5c. We do not know why these worlds are forbidden to us as these permits are likewise unobtainable, though the Lave 2 permit seems to have something to do with the old lore surrounding the old Lave Dictatorship. I suspect a whole bunch more permit-locked planets will be unveiled once Odyssey arrives and unlocks more landable planets.
The main Guardian area is roughly centred on the Regor sector. So that's pretty certain to be Guardian related.

It's the Cone sector the Gnosis jump was going to though, not Col 70. Cone sector nominally including the Cone nebula and sector itself, plus the surrounding permit locked areas that form that general permit locked region. That's all separate to Col 70 though.

Having said that, the locked Col 70 systems include the one referenced by the Thargoid Probe, so there's undoubtedly a Thargoid connection of some kind there as well. Plus with the Witchhead being inside Col 70, there's further evidence of a Thargoid connection there.
We have progressed since Beta when 400B systems were permit locked(outside the bubble)
I remember a few of us having fun gaming the mechanics to go outside, and we did manage to go to at least one system :D
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