Philosophy that you live by in space. Share yours!

  • Thread starter Deleted member 110222
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Here's mine.

"Sometimes you will fail a mission. But you can always come back home alive."

While playing Elite, my philosophy is eerily similar to yours:

"Sometimes you will be blown up - killed - dead - die. But you can always come back home alive"

Ahhh! Zero consequences...don't you just love it!?
Solo players play with themselves...

No I cant expand on that...theyll ban me of this Im certain ^

Speaking as a non-solo player, open players want to play with others, but find they keep running away calling the cops because it wasn't conse...

...oh crap, just dodged a swipe from the banhammer. I'm going to take up Monty Python's advice and take up not being seen.
Depending on the Alt:

1/ My home will allow me to have a cigar with my beer when I get back from flying.

2/ Who needs civilisation when you have deep space.

3/ Kill slavers.

4/ Run way.
What doesn't kill you, only makes you appreciate the Engineers more! and....always err on the side of pessimism, because a pessimist is just an optimist with experience!
"Punch it Chewie!"
"A learning experience is one of those things that say, 'You know that thing you just did? Don't do that'."
"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration."
Brand new commander here, glad to finally be here :)
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