Will the new PICO 4 VR helmet support the Elite Dangerous game?

Guy Godin creator of 'Virtual Desktop' has confirmed support for the Pico 4, launching 13th October on the Pico store. So I just use VD on Steam to play ED.

But being a different store and headset you probably need to buy VD again (if you have already).
My concern is regarding how well(quality-wise) this headset will receive data from a PC.

Since, my understanding is the USB-C cable doesn't support high quality and uses compression, it is not as good as an actual display port connection.
Wireless of course may be possible, but I'd imagine that may even be worse then being tethered with a USB cable.

I'm very much interested on the results of how this VR can work with ED and even Star Citizen.

If there's too many artifacts due to low signal speed and compression, then it's a NO GO for me. Guess will need to wait for the new PIMAX or even the FURTHER OUT Deckard from Valve..
I guess PIMAX Crystal or 12K QLED (If they ever really do come out this year as PIMAX has assured me a few weeks ago) are the only options in the short term.
I see not enough information to think Valve Deckard will come out this year, or even 1st half of next year at this point.
I wouldn't hold your breath on PiMax. The specs they're touting are well above what Qualcom's own documentation says the XR2 processor can handle. If it's using the Snapdragon for any sort of pass-thru, it's going to have to significantly compromise the image quality. XR2 is good for up to 8K total at 60fps. The 12K Pimax drives the display well above this.
I thought they were putting in something called micro-led when basically makes sure, with eye tracking, that things you're looking at are in full quality and focus, and things on your peripheral won't be full quality nor in full focus, and that's how they can achieve the performance they're touting with the hardware they're using.
Guy Godin creator of 'Virtual Desktop' has confirmed support for the Pico 4, launching 13th October on the Pico store. So I just use VD on Steam to play ED.

But being a different store and headset you probably need to buy VD again (if you have already).

But then you wouldn't be playing E: D in VR? You'd be playing it with flatscreen in a VR headset...
Only flatscreen with Odyssey on foot :-( I'm still hoping that Frontier will fix that sometime in the distant future ;-)
I'm clearly missing something. :D Odyssey already supports on foot with a flat screen in VR (at least, it did the last time I played it)?
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