Pimax just fixed the black levels in the 5K+ with an new pitool beta...

Wow what can i say pimax have added contrast and brightness sliders and with them you can get very close to what an oled screen will give you,
why haven't any other company done that before? the closest thing we had was sweetFX and that went with Direct mode..
ED has gone from looking grey and washed out to amazing and not far off the Vive OLED's, the best setting for me are +5 contrast -4 Brightness and high bright in the overall settings
If you have a 5K+/8K Try this now https://forum.pimaxvr.com/t/pitool-1-0-1-121-beta-test-release-for-brainwarp-1-0/18306/99
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Just tested it. Normal brightness baseline +3 Contrast and -2 brightness on sliders is an improvement. Warms it up a bit.
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I already had blacks close to my Rift in my 5K+ so I imagine this will be a treat when I get a chance to try it tomorrow. I did get a chance to play with it a bit in Skyrim VR plus mods and this is an awesome update for sure. Colors pop and the depth is so much more enhanced.
Further tests show considerable burn out on games with high default gamma. Nice to have the sliders though, you get finer control
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Yeah fine. Ive settled on Normal brightness baseline/-1 brightness/0 contrast for Assetto.

I think it is going to be a case of adjusting per game.
Yeah fine. Ive settled on Normal brightness baseline/-1 brightness/0 contrast for Assetto.

I think it is going to be a case of adjusting per game.
Good to know Thx. Yep the tweaking just got more complicated. I poked Pimax for a response to getting a way to save settings per game. Here's hoping.
My 5K+ panels look as good blacks as my Rift in ED and the Pitool adjustments doesn't offer a big difference (for me).. Windows black is no where near the blackness of the pitch black border aound my home theater screen either. It is all in the individual eyes and brains.
Like beauty, black's are in the eye of the beholder.
Better is also in the eye of the beholder.
I have read a lot of people complain about the blacks of lcd panels and others who don't find them so bad and a few (like myself) who seem to have won the panel lottery and can't see much of a difference at identical settings. YMMV
The clarity and fov are much better than the Rift, but how much you notice depends on so many things and if you aren't jumping back and forth, how much difference would be less impactful depending on what settings you can run.
I ran Ed at 1.5 HMD in my Rift and run Ed at HMD 1 and Pitool 1.25 in the Pimax. I also have reduced my DCS and IL2 settings in a similar fashion. The Pimax still looks better because of the clarity and fov but how much depends on so many things and which games....and the beholder.
I can still set my Rift to pixel density 1.5 and see little difference in games like In Death and Robo Recall. The more I play the Pimax, the narrower the view gets in my Rift but a few minutes in a game like In Death and I don't notice as I am in the zone. I will play it in the Rift until I have thumbsticks for my Pimax.
Once Valve and Pimax release controllers, I expect the Rift to retire except for Dirt Rally.

Tracking with base stations is as solid as with the Vive
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