Pip Macros - TOS Violation?

They also got upset when automation was implied in regards to carrier jumping - in that particular discussion they did intervene to mention that automation is forbidden in the game and defined it as doing more than one action with a press of a button 🤷‍♂️
There was one guy once offereing rides to places on his carrier. Kinda like schduled runs and apparently he had some kind of script to run the carrier through itinary.
There's a difference between "I perform an action which executes a sequence of commands" and "I leave my computer running and it performs actions on a timer in my absence".

I used to play an old text MUD which made a distinction on this between macros and triggers, with the former being basically fine.

A macro was a command that you could use which caused your client to execute a sequence of further commands - for instance, I had a macro to go home which basically boiled down to "recall, d, e, e, e, n, n, e, e, e, e, e, n, d" which was the sequence of moves needed to place me in my underground lair from the recall point in town. Literally nobody cared about me going home, the path was a safe one without any mobs and it's not like anyone could ambush me if I was travelling along that path since they'd have to send an attack command in the half-second or so that I was present in any given room regardless of whether I was travelling manually or by a macro.

A trigger was a command that a client would execute upon seeing particular text arrive on the screen. For instance, you could tell your client to mine again upon seeing a successful mining message so you'd only have to mine once and it would keep mining until the ore vein was depleted (at which point attempting to continue mining would display a different message and thus not activate the trigger). Or, you could sit in a farming area as a cleric and have it react to "a skeleton appears!" with the command "pray mass heal all" repeated a dozen times, so every time a skeleton entered the room your character proceeded to nuke the entire area with indiscriminate healing.

Triggers were frowned upon for this reason, specifically because unlike macros, you could basically just go afk while your computer ground out a functionally infinite amount of xp for nuking skeletons all day. Limited use of them was okay, like automatically recasting buffs when they expired, but the general rule was that you must actually be at your computer while playing the game.
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