Piracy vs npcs in odyssey 2024

Once again.....its not about money.
Yeah getting ltds is fab! But that's not WHY piracy is such fun.
Little footnote
If you wanna reduce a factions influence, and they have a black market, selling stolen goods is a very effective way.


As you say. It's usually done for reasons other than profit on the cargo... That said, who doesn't prefer making more money on the things they are doing anyway? I'm interested in finding laces where the cargo collected is better stuff.
It desperately needs a pass from fdev. That's palpable!
Quite what apart from more money, is a thread in itself.
But defo number 1 is a grappling hook or tractor beam. I'd prefer the hook tbh.
And yes I get why they ain't, cos of exploits and gankers. But where there's a will there's a way.
Also the way, and locations where ships spawn and their contents.
Let's have void opals and painite etc.
Atm smuggling is the most effective way to increase influence via missions, and obviously decease influence of the faction that the smuggled goods sell at.
So why not have piracy have as much of an effect? Limiting piracy to just loot and sell at black markets is meh.
Let's have piracy missions! Along the same vein as smuggling ones.
I appreciate this is only relevant in anarchy systems. So let's introduce smuggling and piracy missions to mainstream systems too.
And this next bit is gonner be controversial seen as its quite likely exploit prone, but let's have fleet carriers black market activity affect influence too. Controlling factions have it too easy. Seems like all the main affectations are in anarchy systems only. Fleet carrier black market activity would alter that dynamic.
PP 2.0 is coming. Perhaps bgs 2.0 needs to arrive too.
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Just need something like a drag limpet that can slow the ship once its engine is down. Before that it doesn’t work.
Quite how a tiny limpet can slow a hurtling disabled vectoring type 9 is beyond me hehe.
A hook n chain fired into the ships rear followed by reverse thrust would.
I enjoy the bump stop, I’d be happy if they fixed the instancing bug (where NPCs come back to life if a wingmate drops in) and mining ships that reliably carry core minerals if higher rated.
Quite how a tiny limpet can slow a hurtling disabled vectoring type 9 is beyond me hehe.
A hook n chain fired into the ships rear followed by reverse thrust would.
Probably similar to how we can travel FTL. Why our ships can’t move at normal speeds in space when our cargo bay is open. Why asteroids only have about 15 to 20 chunks of ore in them and then are unminable. Or why railguns only have the range of a 338 magnum.

Simply pointing out a possible way to implement it with mechanics that are in game and pretty simple to adapt. Chain physics not so much. Mashing ships together is a horrible plan to anyone that likes being alive in any rational world yet that’s a core ED tactic for combat and piracy.

Now… maybe an extendable lance that locks the two ships together till released and lets you counter thrust to stop spin and drift? I know the game engine is good at locking two objects together at times!
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