Horizons Planetary shipyards

The zero gravity argument is ignorant. What happens to ships when you sell them? They demolish them and recycle the parts? No, you can easily argue a Shipyard salesman buys ships and can resell them on planets.
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It makes perfect sense that there are no planetary shipyards from a practical, cost and engineering point of view it's just much much easier to build something heavy out where it is close to weightless.
Transportation costs of raw materials (assuming they're being mined from the planet which has far more resources than asteroids) would likely outstrip any savings you gain from building in zero G.
Transportation costs of raw materials (assuming they're being mined from the planet which has far more resources than asteroids) would likely outstrip any savings you gain from building in zero G.

With the model used in ED?
Where you can Lift hundreds of tons from the planet in to orbit in mere minutes?
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Few, if any, of the stations have counter-rotating sections, so station based shipyards would have higher gravity than the vast majority of the currently available planetary installations. And, as it costs less than the price of a metric tonne of poop to boost a finished corvette into orbit, from a cost/benefit perspective what you are looking at is the construction of your facilities and the maintenance of your labor force, undoubtedly in this case both would be cheaper planet side by a wide margin. If anything from a realism POV, station based shipyards should be far less common than they are and mostly used where putting heavy industry planet side is prohibitive or impossible (see protected earth type worlds, gas giants, or hot houses).... admittedly, not much good for people without Horizons though :)
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Sandro was so kind to have answered my question about planetary shipyards. Apparently there should be some 9000 planetary shipyards in 2.1 Beta, can someone really check it?:

I watched that stream last night myself and was going to suggest the same thing here!

I am not in the Beta, but if I were and wanted to file a bug report on this important issue (If it is indeed broken), I would use a third party data base site like the ED Trade Database.

[EDIT]>> I just ran my own search on the ED Trade DB and after drilling down through page 8 of ALL station listings, I am not finding ANY "Planetary Outpost" listings that include a "Shipyard Icon" in their list of assets! :O

http://ed-td.space (Home page)

(ALL Stations Search - Page 1)

I have NO IDEA what is going on here. Either Sandy was in error about the number of Planetary Outposts that offer a Shipyard, or there is a significant bug remaining in the game that is failing to spawn Shipyards at Planetary Outposts. ???
If you are able to actually locate a known Planetary Outpost that does list a Shipyard as part of its assets, then I would suggest the following follow-up mission:

Fly to the station's home system, and then physically land at the Planetary Outpost to confirm with your own eyes that there is indeed a fully functional shipyard there. I would go as far as to purchase a small low priced ship just to confirm that it is indeed "FULLY FUNCTIONAL".

If the reality is indeed the fact that there are currently only 1 or 2 planetary bases with a functional shipyard, and not the over 9,000 FD included and assumed were there, this need to be reported and looked into ASAP! Probably the highest priority bug report anyone could file right now!

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Am about 20km from a large circular planetary port. I'll drive back and check.

Edit - Mid drive I remembered I can just go into the surface map and check the facilities. No shipyards, I checked 10 of the large surface ports including Elrich City in Sol (mercury)
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Am about 20km from a large circular planetary port. I'll drive back and check.

Edit - Mid drive I remembered I can just go into the surface map and check the facilities. No shipyards, I checked 10 of the large surface ports including Elrich City in Sol (mercury)

Thanks for doing the legwork triple 7! :) [up] Looks like you are coming to the same conclusion that I did after searching the ED Trade DB's STATIONS listings. Regardless of what we SHOULD be seeing out there, the current state of 2.0 for me and the latest Beta of 2.1 for you is NO shipyards on planets right now.

Those making the argument that having shipyards on planets makes no sense do have a very valid point, but in posing this argument are totally missing the point!

All the OP and others like myself are asking here, is whether Sandy was incorrect in his claim regarding the 9000+ shipyards on Planets, or that he was indeed correct whereby there is a significant BUG in the game that is failing to generate all of these currently MIA shipyards at Planetary Outposts!

Rather than arguing about the viability of these Shipyards, how about we expend half of that energy in determining what the reality is in-game? ;) I would like to know what the deal is just for reference sake! There could very well be times where I would welcome the ability to STORE one of my ships at one of these Planetary Outpost yards. And you obviously can't do that if the outpost lacks said Shipyard. ;)
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Well, if there are not 9000 planetary shipyards in Beta6 then it seems like a bug, which should be easily squashed. I do not have beta so if we have some beta 6 players here who could test it and file a bug report it could maybe be remedied before the release version on Thursday is out.
Haven't found any in the beta so far...

Hopefully thy are there, I'd love to have a planetary home base with my fleet, in one of those many gorgeous locations.
I haven't found any of the 9000 in the release 2.1 so far, I've gone through maps of several systems including SOL, but no luck - they seem to be missing.
speaking of surface bases, anyone else noticed that lots of them are using the coriolis station icons?, even the animation when opening the station services window.
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