Guide / Tutorial Planning trip to SagA - where to find POIs for the journey?

New to exploration but old to Elite, after seeing Captain Skoomer's video on the Collection of Wonders (a must watch) I'm going to head to Sag A and stop here and at Colonia along the way. My question is this - is there a tool or list of POIs that one should stop at when going on such a long journey? I've searched around and found random lists of cool places and have quite a lot of my own bookmarks I haven't seen yet but it's hard to plan that without some kind of map or routing tool. Does such a tool exist? Do explorers just do all this stuff manually?

New to exploration but old to Elite, after seeing Captain Skoomer's video on the Collection of Wonders (a must watch) I'm going to head to Sag A and stop here and at Colonia along the way. My question is this - is there a tool or list of POIs that one should stop at when going on such a long journey? I've searched around and found random lists of cool places and have quite a lot of my own bookmarks I haven't seen yet but it's hard to plan that without some kind of map or routing tool. Does such a tool exist? Do explorers just do all this stuff manually?


So im on my way back from Sag A right now as i happens, i did indeed fly out here manually, stopping off at a passenger mission destination about half way there before carrying on to the centre. I got out there by plotting a 1000ly jump at a time, simply aiming in roughly the right direction and making sure to stop at any other cool stuff along the way, stumbled across a planetary nebula on my travels and stopped at pretty much every normal nebula that my path crossed, and made it there in about 3 days, doing 4 or 5 1000ly stretches a day. I think discovery of new things is as much of an art as simply going a long way. However a really great way to cross the galaxy and see awesome stuff is to take the neutron highway, i covered nearly 10000ly last night in about hour and a half, but nearly wrecked my FSD haha, it's now sitting at 65% integrity and keeps bugging out and not letting me charge for a few seconds every few systems, and forgot field repair kits lol. Fun
I think I've mostly just looked for interesting stuff in the galaxy map myself and then just headed in the general direction. I'm not so sure about routing tools, but there are a few other resources out there.

Erimus posted a scenic route to Sag A* a while ago -

Have a look also at and in particular the Galactic mapping project -

And the exploration subforum is friendly.
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