General Please allow us to recover materials from scrapping engineered modules

I agree. Try for example taking apart your iPhone, rewiring it, then seeing if Apple will replace it if it breaks down or if you want your money back. They won't. It's standard practice that if you modify equipment yourself you immediately void the warranty. Very often that's because once you've modded it it can't be refurbished, so that's the rule used.

Store the module or fit it to a stored ship (spare hulls are a great way to store excess modules) if you really can't bear to lose the materials but honestly even a G5 module uses so few, both materials and materals traders are so ubiquitous, that this is a daft proposal that would remove any use of strategy in how you manage materials and use engineer mods.

imho. o7
Um... I can take apart my working phone and reuse the screen, the battery, in anything I want. I can sell them on ebay, I can recover the liquid crystal and even the gold from the contacts and copper from the pcbs if I'm so inclined. I don't require a game to reflect reality though, you are the one making somewhat odd claims about not being able to repurpose components in real life, or melt something down for the elements contained therein...I say it's doable in real life, and should be int he game too. Same response to you @Maggie_Oz @Vahnkiljoy

As to 'use the traders', what a lazy excuse to shoot down a good idea. The traders were implemented so that they wouldn't have to fix this awful gameplay loop for a looong time, and you just lapped it up. Surely better to fix the broken system than go farm imperial shielding all day and trade? No? You disagree with that too? I can't wait to hear why. :D

@Sensei Jacksama Well said. Winter, do you realise you pressed like on a post supporting my point of view? To suggest that they should somehow be non-salvgeable when they are literally found int he wrecks of ships that exploded is somewhat silly, I'm glad that you can at least agree with that.
This is a neat idea. I already have enough trouble as it is getting the required amount of G5 Proto Radiolic Alloys, so recycling older unused modules to get some of those materials back would be great.

It does seem weird though to get encoded data mats back, but it's weird to have them disappear to begin I guess those get the thumbs up for recycling as well.
Please allow us a 'scrap module' option which returns 'some' (quantity of FDs choosing) of the materials invested in engineering that module to our inventory.

Well... they kinda have. It is just the quantity they chose is zero! 😜

But yeah, I agree with you. We can get mats dropped from flaming wreckages in a CZ or HazRes, but not from dismantling stuff properly. Sounds a bit odd, especially when you consider modules have no credit depreciation.

I was initially very against the zero depreciation thing but, TBF, it encouraged me to try game loops I wouldn't have otherwise experimented with because I knew I could get the money back if I didn't enjoy it. The same applies with the mats IMO. People might be more inclined to experiment with builds they wouldn't have otherwise done so, or to gather things they might not have bothered with if they got something back from scrapping a module.

It surely isn't beyond the wit of the developers to even have an option of you "can have lots of Cr but few mats, or lots of mats but few Cr" so scrappage didn't become too powerful.

And don't even get me started on why it costs the same number of mats to engineer a 2E PP as it does an 8A...
This is the reason why my module space is always nearly full. I don't want to throw away engineered modules, even if I have no longer any ships that use them.

Getting at least a portion of the materials back would be great, it's not even far-fetched, recycling basic materials is actually a thing. Or at least the alternative suggestion, those modules would sell for larger prices, the higher the engineered grade the higher the price would be. This could actually create a new career, gathering materials and engineering modules for profit.
But the material doesn't just vanish. That goes against the laws of energy and thermodynamics.

The material gets consumed in the context that items that are used in making something are often consumed. It is typically very difficult to recycle components, pieces, or even raw materials that have been used in building a technological item. Obviously it depends on the material, its properties, and how it was used. Extracting zinc out of a battery is not very practical. If we are going for realism then none of this makes much sense because scraping chuncks of minerals off a planet surface for use in modifying spaceship components makes very little sense, fundamentally it is just a game mechanic.

As mentioned by someone else the mats are just another form of ingame currency. They are called "engineering materials" to make the game seem more fun than just adding additional "currencies" like some games do.
It is the 3300s.. we have refineries on our ships.. matts can, or should be, able to be harvested from modified parts.
It is the 3300s.. we have refineries on our ships.. matts can, or should be, able to be harvested from modified parts.

Without knowing how the materials are being used you can't know this. Is it reasonable to recover eggs from a cooked pancake? Extract cotton from a pair of socks? Oil from a plastic toy? Materials are often consumed in a manner where it is not practical to recover them. It is also possible that some materials are used in the process of engineering an item, not added to the item itself. Or for payment. We really don't know.

If it was a simple case of recycling materials in a refinery then we could just scavenge any derelict spacecraft, chop it up and and throw all the pieces into a recycling refinery and get new stuff.
I'm pretty shure an exquisite focus crystal is probably just just added into the laser itself. It's not baked in like eggs in a cake. Yeah the raw materials I could see some of them being used like that but most of the items should be recoverable.
Yes, I'm pretty sure an exquisite focus crystal just snagged from an exploding space-ship get glued on to a laser and voila, a better laser. Cause that's exactly how building stuff works right? Purchased modules should just come pre-engineered because its obviously simple to do, and doesn't even cost us any credits. Just supply the relatively easily available crap we find floating in space or scrape off a planet and ta-dum! (sarcasm)

It's just an ingame activity for leveling up modules. What hapens to the mats when engineering a module? Who knows or cares, it is just speculation. Fdev made a simple and standard method for engineering obviously not intended to be super-duper realistic. If Fdev was to make engineering of modules realistic I am quite certain the game wouldn't be much fun. It would become very complicated and difficult.

As mentioned by someone else the mats are just another form of ingame currency. They are called "engineering materials" to make the game seem more fun than just adding additional "currencies" like some games do.
Making engineered modules worth more credits sounds reasonable. I'm not sure why a G5 engineered module isn't worth more, also increasing the value and rebuy cost of a ship. The rebuy cost of a fully engineered combat ship should be significant.
Very simple.

Currently our only option to rid ourselves of an engineered module, is to sell it, and lose the engineering and mats invested forever.

Please allow us a 'scrap module' option which returns 'some' (quantity of FDs choosing) of the materials invested in engineering that module to our inventory. I would be willing to pay a 'recycling' fee for this.

Thanks in advance for your consideration to this suggestion.

Was just about to post a thread about this, but noticed you beat me to it. Gets my vote!
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