Please fix FaOff

Using "relative mouse position" while flight assist is turned on, allowes for the usage of faoff on mouse with all the benefits while removing any complexity, and in pvp it is a huge advantage.
Either remove it altogether or add something similar for hotas and joypad users.
Dunno about joypad, but hotas doesn't need a relative mouse toggle... if you feel that it's needed, you're using it wrong. 🤷‍♂️
Everybody can use mouse and keyboard, I fail to see how removing an option there is helping the game. I also don't understand how a relative toggle for HOTAS should work. Only applying rotation torque while the stick is moving? That sounds like a pretty useless mode to me.
If the OP wants to compete in PvP and thinks the relative mode is such an advantage, why not learn it?
Yeah, remove that silly reverse speed that makes ships accelerate backwards as fast as forward. And for the love of god put some damping on the inputs. No one really wants to fight the controls that much.
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