Please help me to understand Geological and Biological sitest in Odessey :((

I don't get it... I am starting to lose my mind. Its very hard to find materials for engineering and I don't get it why, I must be doing something wrong. I found a planet with 1 biological signal and 2 geological signal with the Detailed Surface Scanner and the signals are not showing up in the left panel or on the planet. I found other planets with multiple geo & bio signals and its the same deal... do I have to do math or figure something out by looking at the planet? When I get down to the planet in my SRV its nothing there... my scanner picks nothing up... not a single rock. This is like the 10th planet in multiple different systems and I am starting to go insane! Could someone be so kind to explain to me what am I doing wrong? Please explain to me like I am 6 because my brain is too slow for this - it looks like I can't figure this stuff out on my own!


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This is probably a bug some people are getting but not others. When I go to to those sites, I'm finding wreckage of ships, SRVs, and similar stuff.

Here's an example from a crash site:
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I am looking to shoot rocks and crystals... for materials. I am not looking for bacteria. I can't find a single rock to shoot at on a whole planet. I landed on multiple planets and the SRV scanner is empty.
In my experience, piceous cobble and crystalline needles are scattered all over now rather than being clustered at a specific area. Off the top of my head, Atagat 2 A and Deciat 8 A seemed rich with them just by driving along the surface in the regions that are marked blue on the DSS.
God bless you!!! Now I get it!!! May your wife have 12 healthy babies!!! For anyone looking to understand - after you map a planet with your Detailed Surfiice Scanner you can filter out the bio & gio locations by pressing "E" or "Q" if you are using a keyboard and you will see the blue colors will change and you will go to the site that you are interested in. Crystals are scattered all over the place but its still fun!
and... I am stuck again. Ok, I found the crystals... anybody know how do I blow up these bad boys? I straight up started shooting at them like the redneck that I am, I even rammed a couple with my good old trusty SRV while listening to my wacky country songs... yeee haaaw! Didn't help... but it was a good time. I need those crystalline meth shards!!!


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Has anyone actually managed to mine higher than tier 1 materials from surface deposits? I've been to lots of pristine reserves planets, found vents and stuff with plenty of deposits, shot lots of needle crystals and crystal clusters, and I never get anything but Iron, Carbon, Nickel, etc. I've gone back to Horizons where it still seems to work properly.
Has anyone actually managed to mine higher than tier 1 materials from surface deposits? I've been to lots of pristine reserves planets, found vents and stuff with plenty of deposits, shot lots of needle crystals and crystal clusters, and I never get anything but Iron, Carbon, Nickel, etc. I've gone back to Horizons where it still seems to work properly.
Needle crystal? How did you shoot them? Or find/target them? I been all over the place and there are hundreds of crystalline shards but no needle crystal. Do I have to keep searching or they are very rare?
They're like crystalline shards or piceous cobbles, they're just little targetable objects that -- in Horizons at least, evidently not in Odyssey -- contain tier 4 and 5 raw materials. They're not that rare in my experience so you've probably just been unlucky, or maybe make sure the planets you're on have "Pristine Reserves".

Geological sites are easy now to spot. The colours also give you a clue. Green areas: Iron, cyan: Sulphur, and so on. Predominantly, if you find minerals in these areas they are attached to vents, fumaroles, geysers, but they will be of the element that is dominant in that area.

You can still find metallic meteorites, mesisorite, crondite thingys both inside and outside the area, but you have to travel as in the good old pre-horizon days.
I went all over the place and nothing is targetable and there are no rocks, the SRV radar is empty. I changed planets and nothing changes :( Now I will try to hunt for Pristine planets, maybe I'll be lucky.
See this thread, , for the same discussion. I also could only find Grade 1 Materials (e.g. Iron) when harvesting a Geological Site I found (could never find the 1x Biological DSS said was somewhere on the planet), no matter what type/grade of fumarole or crystal (needle, fragmented, etc.) I broke open: Always Iron.
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See this thread, , for the same discussion. I also could only find Grade 1 Materials (e.g. Iron) when harvesting a Geological Site I found (could never find the 1x Biological DSS said was somewhere on the planet), no matter what type/grade of fumarole or crystal (needle, fragmented, etc.) I broke open: Always Iron.
Yes, this seems to be the case. They've made stuff harder to find, and at the same time removed the major reason people go looking in the first place -- materials!

I'm hoping it's just a bug.
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