And how does that square when all fortifying would go to one system, potential fort races in mega UM systems, prep races between powers in the same system etc?
As I understand Sandro's proposal, the "efficiency" difference between modes should cancel each other out, so that if the contest is in doubt, it is the action in Open, which, according to Sandro, is where a
significant majority of the player base plays in, that decides things. If the Power Playerbase does indeed primarily play in Solo/PG (edited to complete thought) then they're even less likely to play Powerplay if it goes Open Only.
This, of course, assumes that Frontier will actually do something about the botting problem the game.
You don't know that though- just as I get lambasted for making everything up, this is just guessing.
True, I don't
know that, just like I don't
know that this red, glowing circle at the top of my stove on my immediate left is extremely hot. But I'm not about to lay my hand upon it to see of it's actually cool to the touch. Experience has taught me that touching red glowing circles on the top of stoves is a very bad thing, just as experience has taught me that open-PvP in a PvE game hemorrhages players. There is a
reason why almost all successful MMO developers wall up PvP behind a software gate, well away from the rest of the player base. And that's because players who enjoy ruining the experience of other players have found PvP the best tool to do so.
Have some games managed to make it work? Certainly. EvE's the first one that comes to mind. But the successes were done by teams with experience in multi-player gaming and MMO design, those games were designed with that feature in mind, the networking architecture was designed with that feature in mind, the development team aggressively targets cheating within their games, and those games were
marketed to appeal to a certain type of gamer.
Does this describe Frontier Developments in any way?
There is certainly a remote chance that events will proceed as
you think they will. If it does happen, I'll probably still enjoy the game...
... from my bunker under the iron hills, where I'll be hoping to avoid the notice of the Great Old Ones.