Polygon: "New expansion for Elite Dangerous will add tens of thousands of locations to the game"

Some snippets:

Hughes tells Polygon that there will be three types of social spaces: Planetports, Spaceports, and Outposts. These will be added to the game at pre-existing locations all around the Milky Way, depending on the types of structures already in place.
Small orbital stations — little mining outposts, perhaps, or trade depots with just a few landing pads — will get Outpost social hubs. Meanwhile, larger starbases — the game’s iconic 20-sided-die-shaped Coriolis starports and massive, spherical Orbis stations, each with a dozen or more landing pads — will get Spaceports. Finally, large surface installations — think Survey sights and Observatories, each with as much capacity as a large starbase — will get Planetports.
Based on information provided to Polygon by the player-run Elite Dangerous Star Map (EDSM), those additions alone will add more than 40,000 new interior spaces for players to hang out in.
Some of that visual punch will come from massive windows. For instance, in Spaceport social hubs, players will be treated to full, 360-degree views of the inside the drum of a busy space station. When NPCs and other players come in to dock, those sitting inside the social hub will be able to watch them fly around in real time.
When Odyssey launches in early 2021, “thousands” of new Settlements will be added to the game. They will show up on the surface of existing planets, but also on newly accessible planets with thin atmospheres. And each of them will have one or more factions vying for control.
Once players arrive at a Settlement, they will be able to transition smoothly between exterior spaces — the dusty surfaces of distant planets — and these themed interior spaces through airlocks. Once inside, they’ll be able to breathe without the help of their spacesuits. Missions might require them to visit a given location, to retrieve a specific item, or to kill a certain NPC.
Alternately, players can just roll in on a Settlement uninvited and do whatever they want. Options include looting the place stealthily, or killing every NPC they can find and making off with everything that’s not nailed down. If there’s combat, Hughes also said it can be of the combined arms variety. That means players on foot can be supported by other players inside wheeled SRVs and even starships, all working toward the same goal.
Once players arrive at a Settlement, they will be able to transition smoothly between exterior spaces — the dusty surfaces of distant planets — and these themed interior spaces through airlocks.
Glad I wasn't the only one to notice that in the DD. Seeing that at least the on-foot transitions won't just be another "fade-to-black" was a happy surprise for sure.
Bit of a shame that there’s only one default type for each hub (station, outpost, port). But I guess the minor faction NPCs, light cosmetics, and slight shop shuffling (?), will alter each a bit. (I can see the utilitarian argument for keeping everything easily findable at any rate).

The settlements sound more varied though, like cosmetically and functionally potentially. Factory types and all that, fitting to the econ, and the ability to nose around, stealth, come up against tougher opposition if the minor faction is hardcore etc :)

Dunno whether to be concerned that there’s a physical ship store. (Like in the sense of: Is there a lot of menu stuff that’s location only now?). But given ship buying is a rare thing, it’d be no biggie on its own. (And possibly even cool if you could inspect ships in a hangar?)

The suits having types (and using a slimline version of the ship power management game) sounds all good in theory :)
So have they confirmed some of the locations one can visit with legs are zero g locations?

Ie the orbital outposts and/or installations

Or is it so far planetary locations plus the orbitals with rotational gravity?
Social hubs:
Hello fast travel it seems. I'd be interested in hearing more about that. As long as it's not forced and doesn't break anything i'll probably be okay with it. KOS IanSkippy...lol.
Seems like a little shopping area with some faction folk scattered around..."not as big as a settlement" so function over exploration i guess which i'm fine with.
More tactical than cod type which could be good, need more info esp. regards pvp...not mentioned yet..not that important for me. Combined arms, hmm...interesting.
Looks like some long overdue love for it. Also mentions stealth specifically on stations, stealing cargo by hacking manifests? maybe...guessing.
Yup, sounds like fun to me coz i like that kinda thing...happy it all fits together.
Yup again...tell me more.
Prolly get updated over time like the original stations, not as much as i'd like but not massive for me.
Mostly positive from me tbh as the intentions seem good...
So have they confirmed some of the locations one can visit with legs are zero g locations?

Ie the orbital outposts and/or installations
Small orbital stations — little mining outposts, perhaps, or trade depots with just a few landing pads — will get Outpost social hubs.

Looks like they are included...but are they going to have magic gravity?
We're going to have personal shields 🛡️
Bring on the sandworms!👍

I liked the bit that says: "For a game where some players spend years on lengthy expeditions, explorers can now look forward to the potential for a warm welcome upon their return. All they need to do is let their friends know they’re on the way back, and the local cantina can easily be filled with well-wishers." ..... and we know what that means 🤭
"... 40,000 new interior spaces for players to hang out in. But don’t expect them to look and feel all that different from each other. While Hughes said that his team is working on adding variation through things like flags and banners, there will only be the three unique layouts at launch."

Unfortunately, these are going to feel very 'samey.' I guess it's the practical limits of manpower, but I would hope they will endeavour to introduce more variety in the three types eventually ..... please FD (?)
On the social hubs travel service, they said "within jump range" so if it is a fast travel, I'd expect it to be a limited range, maybe 20LY? so using that to get across the bubble would likely be a time costing and tedious affair, though it's certainly doable.
Thanks for the info, was unaware of the range.
I guess we'll find out more in due time.
I can't deny seeing more and more similarities to NMS creeping into ED.
Personal Carriers.
Social hubs.
Outposts with different vendors and mission givers.
A travel service in order to move from one station to another, although NMS uses portals for that.
Scanning plants using a hand held thingamajig and get certain resources from them.

In a while ED will be NMS Dangerous with better graphics and flight model.
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