Polygon: "New expansion for Elite Dangerous will add tens of thousands of locations to the game"

Questions I have, some of which we probably don't have answer for yet:
  • When you die on foot do you respawn at the ship or SRV or some type of suit rebuy screen?
  • Really only one type of station and one type of outpost get space ports or will all the large ports have legs?
  • No legs for Fleet Carriers?
I assume there's no walking around the agro rings, but I'm still holding out hope. In my opinion, If this isn't included, it isn't finished. ;)
There’s a simple Flight Suit, which represents what players have been wearing since the game first launched. There will also be Exploration Suits, Combat Suits, and Scavenger Suits.

Each provides statistical bonuses that will apply to those three main styles of gameplay. Players will need to collect new items and resources to upgrade suits, which can be specialized. You might want to own two Combat Suits, setting one up for long-range combat and the other for short-range. High level upgrades will require Engineering, much like high-level ship upgrades.

Now this is very interesting to me. Hopefully some real RPG style customisation options in ED.
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