Powerplay Pranav Antal Utopian Facebook Page

Hi Chaps,

There's a new facebook page for Antal

Welcome aboard commander o7

I play power play with one of the coolest and most friendly groups there is. Antal, it's only 2% of all the people who play power play so its, small, tight, co-ordinated and people know each other.

There's no leadership. We do a lot of role play, creative writing and creative game play like bringing law and order to the Frontier Systems such as Takurua

If you don't know much about Antal then here's some background.

There are no slaves of any kind in Utopia. Harmful substances like narcotics are banned too. Illegal trade is closed down. The trade routes are safe as fines and bounties are increased. We overthrow corrupt dictatorships through violent protest. We arrest nonviolent dissidents (the smugglers, drug dealers, slavers, corrupt politicians etc of the old system) to the capital for legal due process and hopefully reintegration in to society. We enforce law and order and are at peace with our neighbors. We do not undermine their growth. We are the only power with a real purpose or vision. All talk of cult, brain washing etc. is not part of the lore and never has been. It is fear of the boggy man and made up by other powers and people fixated with 1984 and just looking to spread fear, uncertainty and doubt. It's all cool!

The figurehead, Antal, makes the best simulations in the galaxy too. They call him SimGuru, like Tech Guru, ofcousre some folk have taken it and twisted it in to some silly idea of a cult to justify picking on him. So you'll read some bad press from other powers on the forum but if you want to know the truth have a look at the official stuff on Galnet.

* Galaxy's Most Powerful People: Simguru Pranav Antal

* A Vision of the Future

* Simguru Offers to Share Tomorrow Today

* Winters Sends Envoys to Utopia

* Peace and Prosperity through Production

* The Sim-Archive of Antal Opens to Visitors

* Memorandum of Understanding between citizens of Utopia and Sirius Corp

Join our reddit and say hello


PS please can you lend a hand with fortifcation. Thanks chaps
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