Pre-built ships : a question

I remember a post on this forum. Somebody showing off how they spent hours, days, weeks doing nothing in the game but combat just to get to the top of the Inara combat leaderboard. It finished with them saying that combat was now boring. This forum is full of stuff like that where there is no logical reason for someone to have done something, other than they wanted to and to top it off, then they complain about having done it.

So it absolutely would not surprise me if someone did buy a load of these ships and then put the cherry on the cake by complaining about how much they cost in some rage quit post. Assuming it is possible to do so, which as suggested it probably won't be and likely in part for that reason
This is why I took a 1 year break... followed by deleting my save... lost a fleet carrier and 3 corvettes and 1 cutter and many double engineered even items that are still not on tech brokers.

returning I am now playing casual, in solo, and not rushing for anyone or anything, not doing anything that irritates me(looking at the suit engineering), its my game and I payed for it, I'm going to enjoy it.

And if someone complains they bought 10 copies of the type-6 in the arx store then that's on them. hopefully fdev use the cash to prevent the game becoming a pay to win and prevent going to a subscription model.
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