Pressed/Held Button Mappings

One of the most useful control mapping methods I've seen in a space exploration game was the ability to map functions to the same button, one mapped to a short press and another to a long hold. This is especially great for game pads where buttons are relatively limited versus the big fancy joysticks and throttle peripherals.

A practical example, using the current X-Input game pad scheme in ED, would be to bind 'boost' to press-X and 'engage FSD' to hold-X. Another would be mapping 'target ahead' to press-Y and 'target nearest hostile' to hold-Y. You just get a lot more bang for your limited amount of buttons.

Only problem is not every function could be mapped like this; only ones that are toggled or triggered. Throttle up and down and other action-over-time functions wouldn't be compatible with this scheme, for instance, but I'm sure a method to mark which functions can work with this would be easy enough.

Thanks for all the hard work and hope to see the game continue to evolve and improve.
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