Discussion Problem with EDAstro or EDSM

I've taken an interest in the incorrectly categorised "White Dwarf (D) Stars" in EDSM. In short, every single "D"-type more than 100Ly from Sol is actually a sub-type, like "DA" or "DZ", etc.

I've decided for something to do in the game I'll visit these stars to fix the EDSM database, and I created a Google Sheet based on data downloaded from EDAstro as a guide:

I had expected the EDAstro data to pick up changes from EDSM and therefor update my sheet every couple of weeks with refreshed data. However, that doesn't appear to be occurring. For example, I visited Byeia Thaa II-Q d6-1 just over a month ago. It's been showing as a "DC" type on EDSM ever since, but the EDAstro data is still showing it as a "D" type.

I don't know how EDAstro is getting it's data, but something is going wrong somewhere. It's not a huge problem for me - I'll just stop updating my data from EDAstro.

The EDSM and/or EDAstro guys might be interested in having a look... Thanks guys for your excellent tools! I use them all the time :cool:
It looks like EDAstro takes data from EDSM and from EDDN.
Do you run a 3rd party tool that sends data directly to EDDN? Do you link EDSM via the Frontier API? Do you upload your journals directly to EDSM? Do you use the EDSM journal API?
I run EDMC. I believe that sends star data (among other things) to EDDN and it also uploads my flight journal to EDSM. EDSM reports the correct star data less than a minute after I visit. I've also configured EDMC for Frontier (and Inara) API access.

I had written a script to download the EDAstro data and produce the data for my spreadsheet (star name, EDSM URL, and coordinates). I've now modified that to cross-check every potential 'D'-type with EDSM. I've throttled the queries to 1/sec so hopefully that won't annoy EDSM when I run my script every couple of weeks.
In that case yes EDAstro should be able to obtain the data. It might be worth contacting the author of that tool to verify what data they collect via EDDN. If they only add new star systems and bodies then they might be ignoring your updates? Alternately, perhaps they don't update their data in real time?

The EDSM API employs a "leaky bucket" model so if you request too often you'll find yourself throttled. Take a look at the response header to determine whether you are querying too often or not.
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