Someday in the future, Greta Thunberg goes back in time to escape climate change. There (and then) she meets Leonardo da Vinci and tells him about 21st Century technology, like airplanes and submarines, giving Leonardo the ideas for his inventions. So inspired by Greta, he paints her, a painting that will later become known as the "Mona Lisa".

Time travel, it's been staring us in the face all this time!!! The only question is why did Greta change her name? Was it because she knew the dangers of exposing time travel, or was it for some other geopolitical reason for that time and location?


EDIT: this is not a political post, just pointing out that Greta is the Mona Lisa, solving two of the world's greatest mysteries - who was Mona Lisa, and is time travel possible?
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Indeed, she must have meddled with Time itself :eek:, as she had predicted in 2018 the world to end within 5 years if we wouldn't stop fossile technology immediately.

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There has to be a movie script somewhere where Nic Cage, Keanu, and Greta are a team of time travelers solving the world's problems.
So is that real or deepfake? That "dog" in the background sure looks suspect.

It is held in a collection in University of Washington Libraries:

Title Three children operating rocker at a gold mine on Dominion Creek, Yukon Territory, probably 1898
Photographer Hegg, Eric A., 1867-1948
Date probably 1898
Notes Caption on image: "Youths operating gold mines on Dominion. Klondyke, Y.T."

Klondike Gold Rush

Location Depicted Canada--Yukon--Dominion Creek
Digital Collection Eric A. Hegg Photographs

Order Number HEG467

The dog and the child on the right exhibit blurring due to movement during the exposure.

Further images of the Eric A. Hegg Photograph collection can be seen here:

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I forgot to mention that the photographer was a Swedish immigrant to America, as were many of his customers. So maybe there could be some familial link between the girl in the picture and Ms Thunberg's ancestors.
Time travel, it's been staring us in the face all this time!!! The only question is why did Greta change her name? Was it because she knew the dangers of exposing time travel, or was it for some other geopolitical reason for that time and location?
It is, possible, after all, being that it's just a big bouncy ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.
Got a cite for that?


I know that many 'fact checkers' question the tweet or its existence or get hair-splitting about the wording, and it is not my intention to take part in such discussions or openly consider anything else than Mrs. Thunberg just suddenly emerged out of nowhere because her time had come.

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She didn't say humanity would be wiped out in 5 years, only that if we didn't stop using fossil fuels in 5 years then climate change will wipe us out. If climate change wipes us out 100 years from now, and it can be proven that 2023 was the year we "crossed the line", then technically she'll be correct. Either way, I won't be here to win or lose any bets, so I won't place any.

That said, it's stinking hot outside right now! Climate change (or cyclic climate patterns or other natural phenomena, take your pick) might wipe me out in 5 years, LOL. Well, there are worse ways to go than heat stroke.
View attachment 361331

I know that many 'fact checkers' question the tweet or its existence or get hair-splitting about the wording, and it is not my intention to take part in such discussions or openly consider anything else than Mrs. Thunberg just suddenly emerged out of nowhere because her time had come.

That doesn't say the world will end in 5 years. I think you misunderstand the link between cause and effect.
Whatever I understood, and I'm a complete noob certainly able to mix up cause and effect, I still got this: 1.) we only got a time window of 5 years 2.) in 2018 and 3.) that one is closed by now, as it's mid-2023. So, either we're doomed indeed, as fossile energy happily prevails, or possibly not even, in case the dude was wrong and the tweet was alarmist in the first place. Fact is, she silently deleted it. For whatever reason 🤷‍♂️

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Whatever I understood, and I'm a complete noob certainly able to mix up cause and effect, I still got this: 1.) we only got a time window of 5 years 2.) in 2018 and 3.) that one is closed by now, as it's mid-2023. So, either we're doomed indeed, as fossile energy happily prevails, or possibly not even, in case the dude was wrong and the tweet was alarmist in the first place. Fact is, she silently deleted it. For whatever reason 🤷‍♂️

Yeah, we're doomed. So we might as well party.
Yeah, we're doomed. So we might as well party.
This is why Greta went back in time, because it's the only way to save the earth, since we've messed it up beyond repair. I guess that didn't work out so well, seeing that things are still messed up. She probably fell in love with Leonardo and decided "Screw the 21st Century, I'm staying here with my man!"
I hope you guys dont sleep with the tinhats on, that would prevent Greta from twisting your minds during your sleep.
Use them only during the day!
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