PS4 to PC cross-save please?

How would this cross-save work? Let's say I create five CMDRs on PS4, one paid and four free. How do I access these on PC? Do I have to pay for a new copy of Elite on PC for each CMDR, or do I basically get five free PC accounts because they already exist on PS4?

BTW, I paid for Elite three times (once on PS4 and twice on PC) and that gave me four CMDRs. If cross-save works per my first suggestion above, the same amount of money would have only bought me two CMDRs, though they would be shared across two platforms.

Oh, and I almost forgot the most obvious point! Cross-save only serves a fraction of the community - those with multiple gaming platforms. Cross-play, on the other hand, benefits everyone. Or does everyone own both a Playstation and a gaming PC these days?

Each cmdr logs in to its own Frontier account, do they not? (Rhetorical question, they do). So anytime you log in to that account, it's that account, regardless of platform. 🤷‍♂️

Compare to logging in to the forums with your phone, console and pc/laptop. you're aren't using a different forum account for each, it's the same but on a different platform because all the data for it are tied to the logins not the device
One caveat to cross-play: for the first time ever playing Overwatch I find myself wondering if somebody is hacking / cheating*. Probably not, but this wasn't even a possibility I entertained when it was only PS4 vs PS4 players.

Anywho, I don't really have a dog in this race, so I'll let you all hash it out. I haven't much need for cross-save, because I'll never play ED on console ever again. Why would I, when I have a much better experience on PC? As for cross-play, I'm already on the most popular platform. If ED brings cross-play to PS4, that'll add maybe ten extra CMDRs to my galaxy, LOL, so I won't lose any feathers if we never get it.

* I'm not talking landing shots, which of course a K&M player will likely be better at, but rather daisy chaining ultimates. Probably just a top-tier player.
One caveat to cross-play: for the first time ever playing Overwatch I find myself wondering if somebody is hacking / cheating*. Probably not, but this wasn't even a possibility I entertained when it was only PS4 vs PS4 players.

Anywho, I don't really have a dog in this race, so I'll let you all hash it out. I haven't much need for cross-save, because I'll never play ED on console ever again. Why would I, when I have a much better experience on PC? As for cross-play, I'm already on the most popular platform. If ED brings cross-play to PS4, that'll add maybe ten extra CMDRs to my galaxy, LOL, so I won't lose any feathers if we never get it.

* I'm not talking landing shots, which of course a K&M player will likely be better at, but rather daisy chaining ultimates. Probably just a top-tier player.
I've felt the same way about apex legends but I can't even get in to a lobby that's not cross play because it will perpetually keep searching for players that never show up. I've gotten over it by now and still get kills and wins sometimes.
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