PS5 Franchise Mode is unplayable atm

The release to the wild buttons didn't react, shop list is empty, shop buttons didn't react, filters can't be selected, quitting to Main Page takes 5 min and longer.
PLZ fix the online bugs.
The release to the wild buttons didn't react, shop list is empty, shop buttons didn't react, filters can't be selected, quitting to Main Page takes 5 min and longer.
PLZ fix the online bugs.
It seems to work eventually (if you keep regularly pressing x on "release to the wild", the menu for releasing will eventually pop up, at least in the animal management screen). I've noticed it seems a bit quicker before 9am BST.

It certainly has been unreasonable during the challenge, at least here in Australia [kind of expected really, using an assumedly UK server] (it hasn't stopped me releasing Platypuses and Sea lions until seemingly breaking the personal counter at 73). Even putting stuff on the market can take a while.

For this challenge, I started buying Platypuses when I found out what the challenge was in advance, by chance it happens that they're decent for it. Strangely they don't publicise it, this page is pretty much the only place it gets revealed ahead of time:

In terms of exiting to main menu, I've just started exiting with the PS button and closing it, after it says it's finished saving (granted there might be problems with that).

Edit: Personal counter fixed itself, there's another reward in the 80s to 90s.
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