Powerplay Faction: Aisling Duval PSA: DO NOT prep Chnumar at any cost. And here is why.

Please do not follow the top 10 list found under the preparation tab to dictate which system you help prepare.
It is NOT a ranked list of the best systems for us to have. The ranking only takes into account how much prep materials have already been issued to each system.

- From a PowerPlay perspective, Chnumar in itself is a very bad system. On the other hand, HIP 77470 is a much better one.
Remember that Profit = Base Income - Upkeep - Overheads (62.1).
Furthermore, foritfying a system only removes the Upkeep from the equation, the overheads stay the same.

For Chnumar that means:
Chnumar's Profit; 29 -21 -62.1 = -54.1 CC.
Chnumar's Profit if fortified; 29 -62.1 = -33.1 CC. So even if we are to fortify it every week from now on, it would still makes us lose a lot of CC.

For HIP 77470 that means:
HIP 77470's Profit; 80 -26 -62.1 = -8.1 CC.
HIP 77470's Profit if fortified; 80 -62.1 = 17.1 CC. Please, divert your efforts away from Chnumar and focus on this system instead.

- Not only is Chnumar a terrible system, but it will also make our other systems worse.
Chnumar is so close to systems that are already under our control that their respective exploited systems actually end up overlapping.
Having multiple Control Systems exploiting the same systems is NOT a good thing. Systems exploited by more than one Control System don't give their income multiple time.

Out of the 7 inhabited systems less than 15ly away from Chnumar, 4 are already being exploited by our Control Systems.
This is the list of those 4: Badjalang, Aeduwona and Kalaik are already exploited by Ch'eng, Ehlanda is already exploited by Lambda-1 Tucanae.

On the other hand, HIP 77470 would be exploiting 13 inhabited systems, none of which are already being exploited by us or any other power.

- Chnumar won't let us free as many slaves as HIP 77470 would.
Even if you don't care about this situation from a PowerPlay perspective, at least know this:

If we are to expand to HIP 77470, that would mean a total of 43 616 490 citizens living across 13 systems who would be freed from this plague that is slavery.

This is 11 639 892 more than what we could achieve by taking Chnumar.
Or more accurately, this is 43 616 490 more than what we would achieve if Chnumar was to win this prep war, as it would leave us no other choice but to enter turmoil to block it from expanding. This would be done for the benefit of the many; to keep our power's system base as strong as possible, as to ultimately cover much more systems than we ever could by letting Chnumar in.

The people preparing Chnumar, those 5th columnists slavers, are not only working against those citizens in the HIP 77470 sphere, but also against all the citizens from our possible future expansions. The stronger our economy, the more we can afford to expand. The further out we can afford to expand. And eventually, the more of the galaxy ends up free from slavery.

I believe this alone should be reason enough to get any true protector of freedom to agree.
Do not let those 5th columnists slavers win this war. You too, do your part. If not for Aisling, for her ideals. If not for her ideals, for the galaxy and all its citizens. If not even for that, do it for those 43 616 490 souls in HIP 77470 and its 13 exploited systems.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. Although overused and most often misused, I believe this applies here.
If not for Aisling, at least fight for freedom. Thank you for your help commanders.

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You are aware that Aisling has been selling slaves as well? You have the Prismatic Imperium in Cubeo giving out Shadow Deliveries for illegal smuggling of slaves for profit. Pretending it's to "liberate" them does not make it true, it's no different than what the rest of us are doing. Hypocritical if you ask me, which no one is...

You are aware that Aisling has been selling slaves as well? You have the Prismatic Imperium in Cubeo giving out Shadow Deliveries for illegal smuggling of slaves for profit. Pretending it's to "liberate" them does not make it true, it's no different than what the rest of us are doing. Hypocritical if you ask me, which no one is...

You think they want these shadow deliveries? It's in the code. And it is said that in one of next updates Prismatic Imperium will not offer slave transport missions anymore.
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