Hello Cmdrs,
So i'm now about a week and a half into playing the game i bought back in the kickstarter of 2012 (is it really that long ago?!). I'm liking it in general, the space-flight part especially.
So i've done some trading and now moved onto mining to give that game system a go. I've got a number of the good guides to follow and sort of worked through them (and sometimes outdated info) to kit my Asp Explorer out to be a decent small scale mining craft.
I'm slightly confused about how terrible (as in downright awful) the pulse wave scanner is at actually identifying 'valuable' asteroids to mine. An example.
I will 'pulse' a section of asteroids and go for the orange highlighted ones. Mostly this is what happens. I find the scan has picked out something like Hydrogen Peroxide (good if you dye your hair maybe?) as the 'valuable' asteroid to mine. Then maybe about 50% of the time IF i look around at the asteroids right next to the one the pulse scanner has highlighted i will find Bromellite or Tritium. Now why does the pulse scanner not highlight those instead? I'm very confused and sort of wondering if i might as well dump the pulse wave scanner and just mine blind do to speak. In general i find much more valuable asteroids by randomly testing them with the mining laser and seeing what flies off. Is it meant to work like this or am i doing something wrong (even following guides etc)?
Confused mining cmdr.
Hello Commander,
I've been playing this title from day one of the vanilla when scanners used to have a purpose until Odyssey was introduced. Post-Odyssey pretty much got rid of scanners or broke them. Frontier has pretty much destroyed the purpose of pretty much every scanner aspect of the game post-Odyssey. You don't need scanners of any type unless attempting to make a small bit of cash on the side. The scanner that you are pertaining to is truly useless due to the hotspots and hot asteroid systems are both pretty much broke, and I do mean BROKE, coming for a former miner. (IMO, I really don't think Frontier cares about Horizons activities as such, least of all the community, thus don't hold your breath for Horizons as it's a dead game as Odyssey is the new generation.)
As said, IMO, just about every scanner is kind of a waste of space and time on a ship, and completely useless on ground vehicles, as if you get close enough all is reveled, as the heat map is pretty much broken too, the FSS will give pretty much give you everything you need to know as you knew it as pre-Odyssey. Standard on any ship and no space needed.
SRV fog scanners might as well have been removed from the game and replace with cup holders to shut the interior babies up a bit.
Point being for you, just make sure you have a class A prospector to get the most out of mining materials. Scan it with a DSS but hotspots as mentioned are for the most part broke, coming from a hard-core miner. Hell, there have been belts that had hotspots such as Painite to name just one. Using all of the new mining modules, there have been an overwhelming amount of belts that say it's there, but after mining for 2 hours I never collected nor saw any Painite, even on hot asteroids. I assume I can say it's broke.
There have been quite a few updates since. Frontier might have fixed a bit of that, but I never bothered going back to waste my time.
Good luck Commander....o7