Ships PvE Combat Clipper build without engineers?

So after a few years of not playing I decide to return to this game to check out the updates and all of them are pretty great, except the engineers they still are bad.
I also discovered that my clipper build I was working on wasn't finished I lost the plans for what I was doing so I decided to pretty much start from scratch but have no idea how to build it. Currently I've got large 7B shields on it, 4 shield boosters, buncha other stuff and 2 medium beam, 2 large multi cannons on it. It seems to be working pretty well but was curious what things people here would suggest for the clipper without using engineer stuff.
I use a similar set up but with a 7a shield. You should equip some 6a shield cell banks and heatsinks they help quite a bit if you can time it
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Still a black screen :c

Edit: NVM, got it to load in chrome instead. The build doesn't seem to have enough power to actually deploy the weapons without shutting down.
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Based on a scale from 1-10 what are your combat skills, experience with many types of weapons and flying your Clipper where you want it to go? This doesn't even include power management, effective use of SYS/ENG/WEP pips, shield and defensive module design and a HOTAS controller with many hours of muscle memory dialing it all in.

Speed is your friend and even a non-engineered Clipper can boost well over 400 m/s. It also maneuvers pretty good for it's size. Weapon convergence isn't the best getting on target but OK with the right weapons. In NPC combat per speed you may have to dance with a Fer de Lance and with larger ships that can mass lock you but otherwise you're good to go.

But if you rate yourself low then protect your ship and go with basic gimbaled lasers and multi-cannons. Maybe install some mines as you run away. Take the time to work you skills so when you get better and eventually rate yourself high then you have so many other options and a totally different build with more powerful options including fixed weapons. As you get good "We don't need no stinkin' SCBs ot Heat Sinks!".

NPCs like to joust. Take advantage of that and many say learn Flight Assist off/on and I agree. But first get up close and personal with your six available thruster directions, throttle fwd/rev and percentage settings, all available at the same time.

Now you can take out every NPC and the game is easy. Got a big head and decide let's go for PvP. That is a totally different ballgame and at a much higher bar. It was designed that way for players wanting the ultimate challenge. You are going to need engineering and picking the special effects for your weapons depending upon what PvP player you are going up against large, small ships or in wings. Speed, maneuverability and getting on their "six" will be even more important. You will need to join a group to train you in PvP combat. You will need working in wings as a support ship. Get a voice headset. You will need the dedication to become perfect with PvP combat analyzing the situation and still you will meet those much better than you. If your combat skills are not quite there welcome to the rebuy screen. Bring lots of credits.

Without talent, persistence and total dedication you may never get there. Not every Navy pilot in the USA gets to fly the F-35 Lightning.

Every request I have seen for years on the Forum wants to know what is the best ship for whatever. It is so much about the player and his abilities and much so less about the ship that they fly. That is why an awesome pilot in a Vulture with only two beams can take out an average pilot in a combat build Anaconda whose goal was more about getting the big ship an less about knowing how to use it. Even my silly Space Lobster could make a bad day for many. Do you want that rebuy loss and more worse for your Ego? Welcome to ED.


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Engineered or not - I believe its best to go either with 7C Bi-Weave Shields for the fast recharge or 6A Prismatics together with 7A Shield Cell Banks (and a heat sink).. You can fully recharge the shields 5 times that way which is plenty!

Based on a scale from 1-10 what are your combat skills, experience with many types of weapons and flying your Clipper where you want it to go? This doesn't even include power management, effective use of SYS/ENG/WEP pips, shield and defensive module design and a HOTAS controller with many hours of muscle memory dialing it all in.

Speed is your friend and even a non-engineered Clipper can boost well over 400 m/s. It also maneuvers pretty good for it's size. Weapon convergence isn't the best getting on target but OK with the right weapons. In NPC combat per speed you may have to dance with a Fer de Lance and with larger ships that can mass lock you but otherwise you're good to go.

But if you rate yourself low then protect your ship and go with basic gimbaled lasers and multi-cannons. Maybe install some mines as you run away. Take the time to work you skills so when you get better and eventually rate yourself high then you have so many other options and a totally different build with more powerful options including fixed weapons. As you get good "We don't need no stinkin' SCBs ot Heat Sinks!".

NPCs like to joust. Take advantage of that and many say learn Flight Assist off/on and I agree. But first get up close and personal with your six available thruster directions, throttle fwd/rev and percentage settings, all available at the same time.

Now you can take out every NPC and the game is easy. Got a big head and decide let's go for PvP. That is a totally different ballgame and at a much higher bar. It was designed that way for players wanting the ultimate challenge. You are going to need engineering and picking the special effects for your weapons depending upon what PvP player you are going up against large, small ships or in wings. Speed, maneuverability and getting on their "six" will be even more important. You will need to join a group to train you in PvP combat. You will need working in wings as a support ship. Get a voice headset. You will need the dedication to become perfect with PvP combat analyzing the situation and still you will meet those much better than you. If your combat skills are not quite there welcome to the rebuy screen. Bring lots of credits.

Without talent, persistence and total dedication you may never get there. Not every Navy pilot in the USA gets to fly the F-35 Lightning.

Every request I have seen for years on the Forum wants to know what is the best ship for whatever. It is so much about the player and his abilities and much so less about the ship that they fly. That is why an awesome pilot in a Vulture with only two beams can take out an average pilot in a combat build Anaconda whose goal was more about getting the big ship an less about knowing how to use it. Even my silly Space Lobster could make a bad day for many. Do you want that rebuy loss and more worse for your Ego? Welcome to ED.


I'd like to say a 6 or 7 (against NPCs), I'm mostly familiar with gimbled weaponry and turreted stuff and pretty good and maneuvering the clipper. Mainly I'd like to take her on missions from the mission board and into extraction zones. I've tried CZs but feel like there is too many enemies there for a ship that big with shields that weak. I'd say the pip management is one of my strong suits, able to quickly decide and assign them during combat and keep an eye on what is needed. And yes I have a HOTAS (TFlight HOTAS) which I'm very familiar with it and have personally adjusted all the controls on it.

And yeah I realize the speed is the clippers strength which I try to build off of but not quite sure how I would go by that, normally for fast maneuverable ships you'd want fixed weapons but since the hardpoints are so spread out that makes them pretty useless with fixed (that and like I mentioned before haven't used them too much).

I'm just having troubles figuring out what exactly to put on this rather odd ship because I love it too much to switch to a combat python/anaconda or a federal ship (also have -98% with the federation so they wouldn't be giving me their ships anytime soon anyways :D )
To be honest top speed is really only an advantage when trying to flee combat - the real advantages of the iClipper are the C7 slot (say for 7C Bi-Weave shields or 7A Shield Cell Banks) and its relatively high agility/pitch rate which makes it feel like flying an Eagle on steroids. iClipper is also good for ramming other ships..
Check out my loadout advice. Works really good, even without engineering. Do you like being gimballed to eternity by NPC ships? No? Then dump one large gimballed weapon a and attach large fixed beam. It's very easy to aim with one hardpoint.

Large hardpoints: Turreted Pulse Laser (turret gives very nice field of fire and combined with scramble mod can serve as a nasty debuff weapon)
Fixed (!) Beam Laser

Medium hardpoints: Gimballed and engineered projectile weapons (multis, frags, cannons) or dual missile launchers. Anything you prefer, really...


You can also try asymmetric build which works quite good too.

Left large hardpoint: Fixed beam
Left medium hardpoint: Medium gimballed beam or burst.

Right large hardpoint: large gimballed multicannon, frag cannon, cannon, missile (starboard weapons are generally for hull shredding, so pick anything you like, but stick to same weapon type)
Right medium hardpoint :medium gimballed multicannon, frag cannon, cannon, missile
Engineered or not - I believe its best to go either with 7C Bi-Weave Shields for the fast recharge or 6A Prismatics together with 7A Shield Cell Banks (and a heat sink).. You can fully recharge the shields 5 times that way which is plenty!

I tried the 7C bi-weave and the second I got in a fight with a diamondback explorer I immedietly lost my shields and took like 40% hull damage. Don't thing they are the best choice here
Alright that seems to work good. Still can't fight anything larger like an anaconda or fer-de-lance. Python is about my match but it'll do until I can get a cutter, thank you!
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