They just want to get more people for their entertainment, without the consent of those people.
If I was a developer I would just make a checkbox in the settings : my weapon and ram does not harm other commanders, and when calculating instants simply would not be the players have the same instant even if they are in the link.
And it would be immediately visible more and in what mode flies.
There’s plenty of people, myself included, who
would PvP if it weren’t for the factors I listed yesterday. That’s
always been the problem with an Open-PvP/PvE environment in my experience: too many barriers to entry for most players. In theory, such an environment should make for a vibrant experience. In practice, a cohort of players who are simply not fun to play with ruin it for
This cohort does not go away with the old PvP switch. PvP is simply the
easiest way to mess with people. Personally, I find these kinds of activity
more annoying than simple PKing. I’m an early Ultima Online player. I’ve seen a what a PK apocalypse at its worse can do, so that’s *really * saying something. EDs tri-mode system managed to create the improbable in my eyes: an Open-PvP/PvE environment not only tolerable for me to play in, but
fun. I’d sooner play in Solo than endure yet another PvP-switched PvE environment.
It’s easy to assume malice when it comes to PvPers asking for more PvP. But this thread wasn’t about the modes… at least at first. It didn’t even take a page before the first pro-Open Only posts showed up, and the inevitable anti-Open Only rebuttals soon followed.
Which is a pity. I have my own ideas on what it would take for me to get more involved in PvP, but I inevitably get drowned out once the Eagles start playing. Granted, I love a good Eagles concert, but variety is the spice of life.