General PvP Bounty Contracts

We could have an official PvP bounty hunting system, so that we have a way to find other players for PvP without having to resort to other means of communication. Perhaps a contact who stays at some stations, and provides locations of players online at that moment, and who have a reward in their name. As well as informing their combat classification in the pilots' federation.

As soon as player X accepts a contract to hunt player Y, player Y receives a notification that he is being hunted, thus giving him the opportunity to flee, or to stay and fight. And each time he passes through a system with a large population or a military system the hunter receives an update on where he was last seen. Notification to player Y can also be delayed, to give player X an opportunity to get to Y even if Y decides to run, cant say what is better now.
Would be difficult to do considering that player Y can just hop into private or solo and how heavily stacked things are in favour of the defender even if they do stay in open. The thing is, if you get a location from the station bounty board, there's a good chance they've moved by the time you get there.
Would be difficult to do considering that player Y can just hop into private or solo and how heavily stacked things are in favour of the defender even if they do stay in open. The thing is, if you get a location from the station bounty board, there's a good chance they've moved by the time you get there.

Just a mechanic I thought of to avoid it being just a "gps tracker" indicating the location of player Y, making the bounty hunter actually have to HUNT someone. Of course, player Y can simply log out to avoid being hunted, for this there are two endings, so that if the player who is being hunted logs out before some time (let's say 10 minutes), his ship is taken over by AI and if it is destroyed the player would have to pay the insurance in the same way, or just allow him to log out anyway, recognizing that this is unsportsmanlike behavior and an in-game possibility that many PvP MMOs face.

Clearly when he receives the notification he will start escaping, so the hunter can be notified when he leaves the system in which he was last seen, which as I suggested, player Y's position would be reported to player X when player Y passes by a system with a certain minimum population or a specific focus, such as the military.

And about the defender bias, It's just a burden that every attacker needs to consider and adapt to in any IRL or any game situation. The game already has a stealth mode for ships that can be better explored for this, for example.

It wouldn't be interesting if a feature like this was added just to implement easy and meaningless combat.

Edit: Added quote
Edit 2: Answered about the defender bias
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There's already a service provided by The Continental discord server.
I think this is an excellent idea that can be incorporated in-game, with players placing rewards on other players. Clearly it would need many restrictions to prevent abuse, but it would be interesting.

A system in which a (high) reward fee remains to pay for the service, and the higher the fee, the higher the amount of information made available to the hunter. Something like that.

A Bounty Hunters Guild as a faction for the Lore too, maybe?
considering that interstellar factors are no longer needed for their original purpose at all (cashing bounties/bonds where the faction isn't present in the system) being a shady pseudolegal broker for these sorts of deeds seems like it'd be in their wheelhouse.
I think this is an excellent idea that can be incorporated in-game, with players placing rewards on other players. Clearly it would need many restrictions to prevent abuse, but it would be interesting.

A system in which a (high) reward fee remains to pay for the service, and the higher the fee, the higher the amount of information made available to the hunter. Something like that.

A Bounty Hunters Guild as a faction for the Lore too, maybe?
The trick will be keeping the restrictions code smaller than that for all the rest of the game, especially if we were allowed to place the rewards, so much scope for griefing and fund transfers in that.
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