Roller Coasters Pythagoras Racer Quasi-Möbius Wooden Coaster

Ladies and gentlemen, BEHOLD! The mighty "Pythagoras Racer", a quasi-Möbius quasi-replica of the long-dead full-Möbius "Derby Racer" aka "Racing Coaster" (1913-1969) at the long-defunct Euclid Beach Park in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. My coaster has the same 250m x 36m footprint and the same number and general arrangement of dips but the lift is taller and pointier because friction. Also, this is a QMC, not an FMC like the original., Still, I'm rather proud of it.

Workshop link:

POV (with a different paintjob):

NOTE: To race properly, the ride MUST BE OPEN with a queue full of real peeps. The trains will NOT sync up with test dummies. Also, the ride must warm up with 5-6 trains through the station after the queue fills up before syncing happens. But once these conditions are met, the coaster should race properly 90-95% of the time.

This blueprint contains the massive coaster, a station building, a queue shed, a sign, lights only visible from the station side, AND nearly 600 gap-fillers in the otherwise stock support structure. Total is about 1250 parts plus a huge amount of park real estate for the track.

Also note that due to having 5 trains, 2 lifts, and 9 block brakes, this coaster has Low Reliability. Thus, you need a skilled mechanic whose work roster keeps him close by or this ride will break down annoyingly often.

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