Python Photo Album


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The best of the miners :)
Thank you for taking the time to do that.

(y) BTW - started reading your novel - enjoying it so far.
Many thanks for having a go at my novel, a fair few commanders have said it was a good first effort, some have left a review at the end, perhaps you might be so kind.... it's really the only feedback, good or less good, that I get. o7

A bit of 'self promotion (No financial gain involved here).... but it does feature a Python.... one of the main 'characters' in the book.
The adapted front cover when the novel morphed from paid project to 'Fan Fiction', instead of my name on the jacket, my in-game and forum tag was used :rolleyes:
(The Python; 'Pride of Maribor' of the 'Mata' Star System in-game and novel.... Mata B1 (Planet Greenwald) shown on the cover):
Front Cover Galactic Eclectic.jpg
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