Newcomer / Intro Question about kill pirate quest.

So, to start off, I just started playing the game today, so I am completely clueless.

I got my first kill quest, and it was to kill 6 pirates.

So, the first star I go to, I find an unidentified signal right away, and when i go in, there's a dude that is telling me to abandon the quest - So I killed him, but it turns out he doesn't count for whatever reason. No problem, I found another unidentified signal, and killed one pirate.

That was about an hour ago, I am low on fuel and have less than an hour left to kill 5 more pirates that I apparently cannot find. So, I will need to abandon the quest. Here are my questions:

  1. The guy who asked me to drop the quest is kind of dead now. After abandoning the quest, can I still go to where he asked me to meet him and collect the reward?
  2. Will this make me hostile to federal?
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I'm new too, but have done this mission...

So, to start off, I just started playing the game today, so I am completely clueless.

I got my first kill quest, and it was to kill 6 pirates.

So, the first star I go to, I find an unidentified signal right away, and when i go in, there's a dude that is telling me to abandon the quest - So I killed him, but it turns out he doesn't count for whatever reason. No problem, I found another unidentified signal, and killed one pirate.

That was about an hour ago, I am low on fuel and have less than an hour left to kill 5 more pirates that I apparently cannot find. So, I will need to abandon the quest. Here are my questions:

  1. The guy who asked me to drop the quest is kind of dead now. After abandoning the quest, can I still go to where he asked me to meet him and collect the reward?
  2. Will this make me hostile to federal?

I did about the same thing, killed the guy. But it took me a while to find the pirates after that. As a matter of fact I killed everyone I saw in that system before returning. Yet when I returned to the station, I did have a Wanted Warrant to pay off for those innocent ones I killed... but then I noticed that when I returned to the station, "the mission had re-set"... because I hadn't abandoned it as that other NPC guy had wanted me to do.
"But it also reset the amount of pirates I needed to kill", so it was a do-over"

I believe that it changes the mission and must be reset when you encounter that NPC guy wanting you to abandon the mission. Just return to the station and it will re-set the time on the mission as well.

I did succeed and the pirates I encountered after my return to the station were easy to find...
So it's would be a good idea I think to return to the station and you won't loose the mission.

Good Luck Commander AppleSoju! kill'em All!!!!

Space Time :D
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Few misconceptions here. You cannot give kill the pilot who offers the alternative as he has no wanted status. If you want to take the offer and abandon, do not use the abandon mission button. It will cancel both options and count as a failure. Just go to the given location and it'll take it from there. If the option is still in your mission log, you can still do it. Pirates are recognized by their behaviour: they will scan you and open comms with pirate talk. They are usually wanted. If they are, kill them for a legal bounty. If not you can use a KWS and kill them, but you will be wanted yourself for it. To find them: head to either nav beacons near stars or RES. They'll keep popping up there. I am not aware of mission-resets.
If the option is still in your mission log
you'll see how many kills you have that contribute to this mission there, and will also get a large 'Objective Completed' in your main screen when you've killed all the targets you need to

not all Wanted ships are pirates, but as sleutelbos said, the comms dialogue is a giveaway. a bounty hunter will talk to you after his scan is completed, but a pirate will talk right at the start of the scan. a few seconds later he will demand cargo, if he is still alive by then.

if a pirate severely outmatches you, e.g. you are in a Sidewinder and he is in an Anaconda, simply run away. the next pirate you see will do just as well, and these missions don't pay enough to die for them
Few misconceptions here. You cannot give kill the pilot who offers the alternative as he has no wanted status. If you want to take the offer and abandon, do not use the abandon mission button. It will cancel both options and count as a failure. Just go to the given location and it'll take it from there. If the option is still in your mission log, you can still do it. Pirates are recognized by their behaviour: they will scan you and open comms with pirate talk. They are usually wanted. If they are, kill them for a legal bounty. If not you can use a KWS and kill them, but you will be wanted yourself for it. To find them: head to either nav beacons near stars or RES. They'll keep popping up there. I am not aware of mission-resets.

Commander sleutelbos probably has more in-game time than I have... so I could be wrong... but i don't think my old age has made me forget too much "yet"... but I can tell that time is coming :p

But I do remember that I had 3-5 out of 7 pirates needing to be killed, then I encountered that "talk me out of it guy", which caused me to look at the missions change to it. I like to do what I say I'm going to do on contracts, so I went back to the station to see what I could do, as the mission log on my ships mission statement did not read what it did before.

I think it was when I checked the bulletin board when it reset back to a kill the pirates mission. I too remember having my time running out on the mission which caused me to return. But once it re-set (I think by checking the bulletin board) it didn't give me any credit for the 3 or 5 I had killed.... "but I never got another guy on that mission telling me not to do it again... but the timer re-set as well.

This is a new game and can have "glitches", so what I encountered may have been a fluke, or by design... just what happens... So let us know how you come out on that mission ;)

This makes me want to try one of those again... but now I'm in a gunless Orca and don't want the risk... :eek:

Space Time :D
There is a known bug where encountering the NPC who tries to talk you out of completing the mission resets the mission stats. I believe it will be addressed in the next patch.

Everything else has been covered:

Hang out at resource extraction sites or navigation beacons. The NPCs in the game for some reason leave interstellar FSD in normal space, whereas we drop into supercruise. Regardless of the inconsistencies, it makes it easier to find pirates. Checking out unidentified signal sources is time-consuming. Avoid it for those missions - the RES and nav beacons are much more efficient. Always check out the location(s) of the mission in the galaxy map before you accept it - if it's in an unpopulated anarchy system there may well be no nav beacon or mining areas, and it will take longer to complete because you'll have to wait for USSes to spawn. You'll also need a KWS to double up on your bounties.
These missions are a pain....and 10/20k to kill loads of pirates isnt enough for all the agro....what i did to earn when i started was go to nav in LAWFUL systems and take on wanted npc ships . You will earn alot more and wont be attacked if you are clean until you engage a baddy..... if it gets too hot ,get out get repaired and return... keep upgrading for bigger bounties....
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